Killing Thistles
The gardener’s worst enemy, weeds, is always a threat. Some weeds, such as thistles, are visually appealing. The problem with these weeds is that they appear to grow at light speed, multiplying hourly. Thistles aren’t the kind of visitors you want in your yard, so get rid of them with WD-40.

Killing Thistles
Thistles are one of the world’s most unfortunate weeds. While they may appear appealing, their needles are likely to pierce your skin when you attempt to remove them. Therefore, why not simply kill them with WD-40? In addition, while plants can be majestic and beautiful in your garden, they are not the best to have around if they multiply.
Toilet Cleaning
Perhaps the most revolting, tedious, and time-consuming aspect of bathroom maintenance is cleaning the toilet. Even after scrubbing the toilet bowl with various high-end cleaners and chemicals, the toilet does not appear clean! How infuriating. Not to mention when visitors forget to clean up after themselves and leave a small gift in the toilet.

Toilet Cleaning
By incorporating WD-40 into your routine, you can halve the time required to clean your toilet. As a result, cleaning will take less time and effort, and the experience will be more enjoyable. Yet another outstanding toilet cleaner? Coke! However, do not combine the two, as this will result in disaster.