Dark wall colors are not allowed? And you can only buy small, light-colored furniture? All nonsense. Which rules are outdated, and why you can be more satisfied with a small apartment than you think.

Easy Ways To Make A Small Room Look Bigger
Dark Wall Colors Are Allowed
It is an interior law that light colors make every room appear larger and wider. Creamy pastel colors look homely, and white intensifies daylight and moves walls apart. But that doesn’t mean that dark tones cannot have a cozy or room-expanding effect: Dark tones blur contours, such as strong petrol, moss green, or dark blue.
Hidden Storage Space
If you want to get a large sofa, bed or table, you should make sure that this furniture always has hidden storage space. A few purchase recommendations: The upholstered beds from Made, whose drawers under the mattress are not recognizable at first glance. Or you can choose the tried and tested 2-in-1 furniture, of which there are now very comfortable designs. As a change to the sofa bed, there is, for example, the fold-out sofa bed or pull-out upholstered benches.
Open Shelves Create Disturbance
As beautiful as bookshelves and small decorative items are on a shelf, an open storage space looks disturbing and untidy. That is why it is better to choose a closed version. But if a shelf is essential, sort the books properly and paint the shelves in a warm gray tone so that they visually fade into the background. That way, they won’t look like such a big “space hog”. The same applies to too many pictures on the wall. Several small frames create a disturbing overall picture and can make the room appear cramped and packed. Instead, choose a few, large pictures.
The Right Lighting Is A Game Changer
Instead of just relying on a large ceiling lamp, you should place many, smaller light sources on the walls in narrow apartments. If you don’t have space for floor lamps, you can help yourself with space-saving wall lights. And if you want to invest a little more money: Illuminated shelf sides, especially when it shines from the back onto the ceiling, also reflect the light and thus give the room more depth. Especially in dark rooms, it is important to illuminate the wall and the ceiling with extra spots to simulate more height.
Tone On Tone
One of the most basic rules for a small room is that you should limit yourself when it comes to colors. Do not combine too many colors and patterns, otherwise, your room will appear smaller. If you choose your accessories and textiles, such as curtains, carpets and bedspreads, to match the nuance of the furniture, you will get a particularly harmonious apartment. You should also limit yourself when choosing materials, glass and metal reflect light particularly well. If you really want wood in your furnishings, you shouldn’t choose heavy cherry wood, but instead, use light oak.
Big And Small Mirrors
Mirrors make the light appear one room larger and maintain the illusion that there is another room where in reality there is none. This effect is particularly given with large wall mirrors that reach down to the floor. But also many small designer mirrors in a bright room can make the apartment look bigger, as they look like small, additional windows due to the reflection of the light.