De-sticking Gum
Being unable to move because your shoes have become stuck to your feet is a horrible feeling. When this happens, you know you’ve picked up a piece of chewing gum. Gross! This is one of the most vexing sensations a person can experience.

De Sticking Gum
The further you walk, the more this gum becomes stuck, and by the time you get home, it is completely embedded. Is it going to be difficult to get rid of it? This is not the case with WD-40! Simply squirt the solution into the affected area and watch the gums fall away. Allow it to soak into the soles of your shoes before wearing them.
Banishing Lipstick Stains
Any make-up enthusiast’s collection would be incomplete without a selection of lipsticks. It has a distinct aesthetic appeal, and it is typically a mess-free product as well. However, if it gets on your favorite white shirt, you’re in big trouble because the shirt is a staining nightmare.

Banishing Lipstick Stains
If you don’t already have WD-40 on hand, your first stop should be the hardware store after discovering lipstick on your shirt. After saturating the stain with WD-40, it will become easier to remove the vibrant pigments by washing them in the washing machine.