Bird Feeder Protection
Anyone who has trees in their yard or lives near a forest has almost certainly heard the birds chirping, and you may even feed the birds regularly. Your bird feeder, on the other hand, is almost certain to attract hungry squirrels as well. So here’s an ingenious way to scare them away:

Bird Feeder Protection
Not only do these squirrels consume all of your bird food, but they also tend to destroy your feeder. As demonstrated by this resourceful individual, you can squirrel-proof your bird feeder using WD-40. Squirrels will be unable to climb the center pole if a layer is applied.
No More Grass Jams
Lawnmowers, even the most expensive ones on the market today, are prone to get stuck in the grass; it’s just a fact of life. Even though it is a completely normal problem, it is still aggravating. Maintaining a lawnmower is not only inconvenient but also time-consuming.

No More Grass Jams
Remove the grass chunks by hand after the mower has been turned off. You can imagine how aggravating this is for anyone with grass allergies… Is there an easy way to keep grass out of the way? WD-40. Before and after use, simply spray the beneficial substances on the mower’s bottom. Then, the problem has been fixed.