Same outfits, 60 years later
As reported by the person who shared these lovely photos online, this couple has been married for 60 years, and they posed for this shot in the same outfits that they wore on their wedding day.

Same Outfits, 60 Years Later
As incredible as it may seem, they were still able to fit into the same clothes that they wore decades ago. But more than that, this example of true, long-lasting love inspires us.
Something changed
When it comes to large dogs, we like to see before and after pictures because it’s amazing how a small dog can grow into such a large and heavy dog while still looking like a cute dog that melts everyone’s heart.

Something Changed
This puppy was so small that it fits inside its owner’s left boot. That puppy, on the other hand, is now three years old and fully grown. The only part of their body that will fit into the boot that once held their entire body is their right paw.