138 MB in 1995 versus 128 GB in 2018
Children today will never have to deal with the problems of saving data and installing computer programs on disks. You can’t even recognize a disk! Perhaps they would look at the picture below and think to themselves, “lol, why did this person 3D-print a bunch of “save” icons?”

138 MB In 1995 Versus 128 GB In 2018
Realistically, however, things were quite different during this period of history. When it comes to hard drives, for example, 128 GB is more common today, but the average hard drive size was only 138.24 MB in 1995.
Big fish, tiny babies
The ocean sunfish is one of the world’s heaviest bony fish, growing to a length of 5.9 feet and weighing up to 2,200 pounds. It is one of the heaviest bony fish in the world. We would be terrified if we ever came into contact with an adult sunfish, such as the diver showed in the photo below.

Big Fish, Tiny Babies
Even then, when you look at their babies, you’ll notice how tiny they are! When we look at those tiny babies, we have no idea that they will grow up to be giant fish with length and width greater than a person.