18 years of hard work
Seeing people’s good deeds positively impact the environment is one of life’s greatest joys. We’re dealing with a significant influence in this case. Sebastiao Salgado, a well-known Brazilian photographer, and his wife created this…

18 Years Of Hard Work
In Minas Gerais, Brazil, they were given the task of planting 2 million trees and creating natural habitats for 33 animal species, 172 bird species, and many plant species on 600 hectares of deserted land.
A beautiful and powerful photograph
On social media, this photo was shared with a description that showed five generations of women, including a baby daughter, the original poster, her mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, among others.

A Beautiful And Powerful Photograph
Incredibly, the woman’s statement that her daughter was born the same year her great-grandmother turned 100 has left us completely speechless. Our jaws dropped when we saw this photo of five generations, and we were even more impressed by how strong the women’s manicure game is.