Honey Moom
Your honeymoon is a highly significant occasion because you only get to do it once in your life – for some people, at least. This is one of the main reasons why individuals go to great lengths to make every moment of it memorable and meaningful.

Honey Moom
Nevertheless, if you get carried away with your excitement, anything could go wrong, and it will be captured in photographs like the one above. Although minor, this mistake in spelling can undo all of the staff’s hard work.
Dirty pool
It’s advisable not to take the word of hotel owners seriously, as we have stated. Because it has been established that many hotel owners are often economical with the truth, a little due diligence will spare you a lot of disappointment later.

Dirty Pool
A pool was actually part of this hotel’s listing. The guest waived it off once the concierge casually revealed that the pool was not accessible. Imagine his surprise when he learned why the pool was shut down.