The mini fridge
If you want something, it usually doesn’t hurt to ask. The worst that can happen is that your request will be declined. The most important thing is that you gave it everything you had. This guest and his companions made a simple request.

The Mini Fridge
They requested that a mini-fridge be kept in their room, and their request was granted without hesitation. The mini-fridge is so small that it can’t even accommodate two bananas. Thus it was too good to be true.
Design fail
While traveling alone can be fun, it also has drawbacks. Traveling with family or a group of friends, on the other hand, is almost guaranteed to be enjoyable. The main downside is that you won’t get much alone time.

Design Fail
As luck would have it, the bathroom is the one room you can’t share with your friends. Unfortunately, this is not the case in this hotel since the designer decided it would be good to include a window in the bathroom that looks into the bedroom.