40+ Hilarious Photos That Everyone Over 40 Can Relate To

Published on 07/29/2021

Time Goes By So Fast

Years seem to get shorter, and time seems to move faster than ever before. Not convinced yet? What if we told you children who were born in 2003 are 18 this year? Yes, that’s right. We could also have good news for people who were born in the 1980s.

Time Goes By So Fast

Time Goes By So Fast

Isn’t it obvious what this meme is about? It seems like only a few years ago that those of us born in the 1980s were celebrating our 30th birthdays, and now you’re approaching 40! But don’t be as terrified as the guy in the photo. These days, being 40 is actually pretty great, and it’s even stylish!


A Lot Of Symptoms

Turning 40, as previously stated, causes you to experience feelings you’ve never experienced before. To be honest, if you don’t exercise regularly, you’ll appear and feel lot older than you actually are. The following tweet is amusing while also being brutally accurate:

A Lot Of Symptoms

A Lot Of Symptoms

Isn’t that something that people aren’t likely to tell you? Even if they’re little ailments about which we’re probably exaggerating, growing older means developing symptoms you didn’t have previously. If it helps, remember that we’re not alone: people in their early twenties have recently reported back pain!