40+ Hilarious Photos That Everyone Over 40 Can Relate To

Published on 07/29/2021
40+ Hilarious Photos That Everyone Over 40 Can Relate To

40+ Hilarious Photos That Everyone Over 40 Can Relate To

We all yearn to be young, wild, and free. Being a “young” person does not have to mean being physically young – we can have a young soul at any age! Even though it has been said that 40 is the new 30, the stigma associated with turning 40 is still very much alive and strong. People in their 40s and beyond have been changing the way younger people perceive them. These people’s posts about life after 40 have been hilarious! Here are 45 posts about living in your 40s that will make you laugh out loud!

Literally Every 40-Year-Old Guys

You have surely observed that most of the males in social media post pictures of themselves in the same (or very similar) manner. It seems that as men turn 40, they start posting these photos often! Men’s profile photos in the following post are well represented by the cats:

Literally Every 40 Year Old Guys

Literally Every 40-Year-Old Guys

Don’t you think of the 40-year-old men you know when you view these photos? Everyone seemed to have learnt to take selfies from the same perspective, and he taught them all to smile with the camera in their faces.

A Package Everyone Gets

Some people argue that life just starts for us when we feel that we get older. We have to be honest, even though we recognize that they try to be nice and upbeat. Life can start at 40, but surely it brings unexpected visitors!

A Package Everyone Gets

A Package Everyone Gets

This tweet is quite accurate, as bad as it may seem. Sure, when we approach 40, we may feel more carefree and more confident, but we also feel other emotions. Eye problems and memory lapses are only a few!

Time Goes By So Fast

Years seem to get shorter, and time seems to move faster than ever before. Not convinced yet? What if we told you children who were born in 2003 are 18 this year? Yes, that’s right. We could also have good news for people who were born in the 1980s.

Time Goes By So Fast

Time Goes By So Fast

Isn’t it obvious what this meme is about? It seems like only a few years ago that those of us born in the 1980s were celebrating our 30th birthdays, and now you’re approaching 40! But don’t be as terrified as the guy in the photo. These days, being 40 is actually pretty great, and it’s even stylish!

A Lot Of Symptoms

Turning 40, as previously stated, causes you to experience feelings you’ve never experienced before. To be honest, if you don’t exercise regularly, you’ll appear and feel lot older than you actually are. The following tweet is amusing while also being brutally accurate:

A Lot Of Symptoms

A Lot Of Symptoms

Isn’t that something that people aren’t likely to tell you? Even if they’re little ailments about which we’re probably exaggerating, growing older means developing symptoms you didn’t have previously. If it helps, remember that we’re not alone: people in their early twenties have recently reported back pain!

Finding Joy In Small Things

There hasn’t been a single positive comment on life after 40 so far. This article aims to change that situation. We’re too preoccupied with our responsibilities and thinking about faraway things when we’re young. As a result, we lose sight of the small joys in life.

Finding Joy In Small Things

Finding Joy In Small Things

When you hit 40, you gain a newfound appreciation for things you may have previously overlooked. This tweet wonderfully captures how we, in our forties, react to everyday objects like sponges. Isn’t that the most adorable thing you’ve ever witnessed?

Dating Is Hard

When you were younger, did you believe dating was difficult? This is because you’ve probably never tried dating in your forties. Single people in this age group are more likely to be dating for the first time after divorce, have children, or are simply unfamiliar with dating.

Dating Is Hard

Dating Is Hard

This tweet’s sender is most likely exaggerating. Dating in your 40s is difficult, but not impossible. If you’re over 40 and looking for love, we assure it’s not impossible if you have an open mind.

Thanks, Yoda!

Although the meme below is funny, it makes us ponder why people believe that growing older is a bad thing. We don’t mind growing older because it is a part of life. We are born, we grow, mature, improve, and learn…

Thanks, Yoda!

Thanks, Yoda!

Given that the average human life expectancy is 72 years, we’re also a long way from becoming old by the time we reach 40! Turning 40 doesn’t mean we’ll need reading glasses or a walker all of a sudden; it simply means we should start experiencing life to the fullest!

Big Things Are Coming

Gandalf, this is where it all starts! While we can’t promise that you’ll feel like a new person at 40, we can promise that things will get interesting (in a positive way). You are unlikely to be as bashful as you were as a child, which will have a significant impact on your experiences!

Big Things Are Coming

Big Things Are Coming

Apart from the physical implications of reaching 40, there are other positives to being in your forties. To begin with, that time will determine your complete life, implying that you will finally have time to do the things you previously had no time for!

Drinking Isn’t The Same Anymore

If you started drinking when you were 21, you probably remember how you felt the next morning. Sure, we all feel hungover from time to time, but the long-term consequences of drinking aren’t all that bad. Isn’t it true that we’re fully recovered at the end of the day?

Drinking Isn’t The Same Anymore

Drinking Isn’t The Same Anymore

We’ve got some awful news for you: a hangover at 40 will make you feel not only bad, but also like you need medical attention! No, we aren’t making things up. That’s exactly how things work in the real world!

Not Gonna Show Up In Memes

Children nowadays utilize the internet to broadcast every facet of their lives. We can no longer regulate what people say about us due to the large influx of posts. One thing is certain: if you drink too many drinks and embarrass yourself in public, it will be recorded.

Not Gonna Show Up In Memes

Not Gonna Show Up In Memes

People in their 40s are no longer scared to share embarrassing social media status updates. Are you curious as to why? We did not have access to the internet, Facebook, or Instagram back then! Nobody was going to write about us being as irresponsible as we wanted!

Doing Good… For Your Age

Once you reach the age of 40, a few changes will happen in your life. We’ve already discussed illness, hangovers, and the difficulties associated with meeting new people… However, there is one additional aspect of life in your 40s that you will notice.

Doing Good… For Your Age

Doing Good… For Your Age

Here’s the thing: people will begin associating every compliment with “for your age”! Do they believe you’re in good physical shape? They’ll tell you that you look young for your age. Have you recently received a promotion? They’ll tell you that you’re doing an excellent job for your age!


Is it difficult for you to adjust to being or turning 40? We know how it feels to accept that there’s nothing wrong with getting older; it takes a lot of emotional and psychological effort! Read on for some helpful advice if you’re still having trouble adjusting to life after 40:



Even if you have 22 years of experience, you can always claim to be 18 instead of 40! Isn’t that a witty and clever way to reveal your age? You won’t need that crutch once you’ve gotten used to being a 40-year-old, though!

A Dilemma

As we get older, one thing is certain: we’ll start peeing more frequently, and holding it in will become increasingly difficult! We will, however, be too lazy to walk to the bathroom, posing a serious problem for us. Is it better to stay in bed right now or go to the bathroom?

A Dilemma

A Dilemma

If you can relate to that dilemma, you’re probably in your 40s or about to turn 40. You’ll notice how difficult it is to get out of your warm bed and go to the bathroom after a long day of hard work or on a cold winter night.

Thanks For The Reminder, Al!

You’ve probably seen the popular television show “Married with Children” if you’re in your forties. Al Bundy, one of the protagonists, was a sarcastic loser with a large following. And this is what his 40-year-old fans were told on his fan page:

Thanks For The Reminder, Al!

Thanks For The Reminder, Al!

Two posts in a row about peeing in your forties? We’re sure you’ve figured it out by now! You’re not alone if you notice that you’re peeing more frequently as you get older. According to studies, over 20 million Americans have an overactive bladder, which means they have to go to the bathroom several times a day!

The New 20s?

Remember how we said that being 40 years old is considered fashionable nowadays? And that you shouldn’t be ashamed of your age because many people have realized that life doesn’t end at 40; it simply begins? We have something to say about that, to be sure.

The New 20s

The New 20s

While this is true, being in your forties entails a great deal more. Many people say that 40 is the new 20, or that life begins at 40, but have they reached that age? There’s no way all of the physical discomforts we’re starting to feel are due to the new 20 — There’s no way, right?

A Sad Reality

As we get older, our bodies naturally become frailer. We may be more susceptible to injury, and we begin to feel pains we didn’t have before, particularly joint and back pain. Even the simplest tasks, such as sleeping, are excruciatingly painful. Yes, once you turn 40, you’ll understand what we’re talking about!

A Sad Reality

A Sad Reality

“Beware: the next Twitter post contains high levels of irony!” should be written next to this image. You’ve probably noticed that a lot of people in their 40s use irony and sarcasm in their posts, right? We’re not sure if that’s an age-related quality!

Surely The Math Is Wrong

We can’t predict much in life, but one thing is certain: our metabolism will slow as we get older. So, what does this mean for the rest of us? Regrettably, this means that losing weight will become more difficult as time passes!

Surely The Math Is Wrong

Surely The Math Is Wrong

This article delves into the mechanics of a slow metabolism. As you get older, losing weight becomes more difficult, but gaining weight becomes much easier! It’s almost as if we’re taking the idiom “one step forward, two steps back” a little too seriously!

Another Sad, But Harsh Reminder

Based on what we’ve seen so far, once you reach the age of 40, you realize that most truths are difficult to accept for people our age. This next post will hit us with yet another harsh reality, reminding us that we are getting older!

Another Sad, But Harsh Reminder

Another Sad, But Harsh Reminder

If sent by someone who isn’t yet in their forties, this tweet could easily be considered offensive. The original poster, on the other hand, knows exactly what they’re talking about. After we turn 40, we still have a long way to go before retiring, but who knows if our bodies will be able to handle it!

Sleep Routines Should Be Followed Strictly

Our sleep routine is one of the things we should always keep in mind. Instead, we always find a way to disrupt that routine, especially when we’re young and want to stay up later than we should. However, after the age of 40, you should probably stop.

Sleep Routines Should Be Followed Strictly

Sleep Routines Should Be Followed Strictly

This picture is pretty clear: if you’re nearing 40, staying up late will cost you a lot of money! Take a look at this man’s anguished face. That will most likely be you if you don’t have a good and early sleep routine!

Pill Organizers Are A Must

When you were younger and visiting your grandparents, you may recall seeing a pill organizer lying around. Pill organizers seemed odd to us at the time, and we didn’t think we’d ever need them. We’ve got some exciting news for you if you’re approaching your fortieth birthday!

Pill Organizers Are A Must

Pill Organizers Are A Must

The good news is that you’re almost ready to get your hands on your own pill organizer! As the original poster jokes, you’ll be assigned your own personal pill organizer once you reach your forties. Who is behind this? We have no idea!

Easily Irritated

Do you want to learn something interesting? As we get older, our health isn’t the only thing that deteriorates; our patience begins to wane as well! By the time we reach our forties, we’ve spent enough time on this planet to know what irritates us and what doesn’t.

Easily Irritated

Easily Irritated

All it takes for a 40-year-old to become irritated, according to Sonja, is for them to wake up and stay awake for 30 minutes! You can see a lot of things that can ruin your day once you hit your forties in just half an hour!

Being Practical

The following tweet has sparked a firestorm of debate. Some believe it is an ironic tweet mocking people in their 40s, while others believe it has no negative connotations. This is, in our opinion, an excellent suggestion!

Being Practical

Being Practical

Imagine being able to eat a snack without ever leaving your bed. That’s why we think keeping snacks in a drawer is one of the best ideas we’ve ever heard! Furthermore, do you know what the most enjoyable part is? No one can criticize your snack drawer because you’re 40 years old!

Start Eating Healthy

If you don’t have gastritis or bile reflux, you should probably thank your lucky stars. Also, be thankful for all the times you didn’t feel anything after eating…or when you awoke. Heartburn is something you’ll almost always experience once you’re in your 40s!

Start Eating Healthy

Start Eating Healthy

We regret to inform you that Mr. Dan Sommers is not wrong. In your 40s, you’ll have to deal with a variety of ailments, including heartburn. Do you, on the other hand, want some advice? If you change your diet and start eating healthy, you can avoid heartburn. Plus, it’ll make you feel a lot better in your forties!

New Topics

People talk about a wide range of topics throughout their lives. When we’re kids, all we can talk about is video games. When we’re in high school, all we care about is hanging out with our friends and talking about cute guys and girls. As adults, we discuss our jobs and mortgages. When we reach the age of 40, we start to talk about different things…

New Topics

New Topics

That’s correct! You’d be talking about gardening now! To be more specific, gardening and other household chores. Inviting people over and gushing about your plants, how green and pretty your grass is, or how delicious your vegetable garden produces are all normal aspects of life in the forties.


When you’re 40, and you’re still talking about “things we talk about at different ages,” you’ll notice something: kids have their own language. Your demeanor will always reveal your age, no matter how cool you try to appear by wearing trendy clothes and watching popular TV shows.



But, do you believe this is a good or bad thing? When it comes to trivial matters, people in their 40s can’t keep up with 20-somethings. If you’re feeling down about getting older, we recommend hanging out with some kids half your age. You’ll feel great about yourself in no time!

Time Really Moves Faster

Do you recall how it felt to be 18 only a few years ago? Do you think people who were born in the 1980s were just born yesterday? We’re sorry to tell you that they weren’t. They were both born in the year 1970. And, yes, it’s been 40 years since 1980!

Time Really Moves Faster

Time Really Moves Faster

If it helps, we’re all experiencing the sensation that time is passing us by faster than it has in the past. Years seem to fly by, and we’re all adults before we know it! There’s a scientific reason for this: our planet is moving at a faster rate than it has ever been, making the years seem shorter and time seem to move faster.

It’s Hard To Admit It

As we mentioned at the outset of this list, as you get older, you begin to appreciate things you previously did not. You may not have had time to read in the past, but now you are a voracious reader. Maybe you’ve never given rugs much thought before… and now you’ve got it!

It’s Hard To Admit It

It’s Hard To Admit It

Yes, as we approach 40, we begin to appreciate home decor items such as rugs. Nothing beats browsing through a rug store or the internet in search of the perfect rug for your home. What is the disadvantage? Rugs are not cheap!

The Walk Of Shame

You’ve probably heard of the term “walk of shame” unless you’ve been living under a rock. Remember how we said that dating in your forties is difficult? The thing we have to tell you is that there will be no more shame walks once you turn 40!

The Walk Of Shame

The Walk Of Shame

Well, according to this tweet, we lied. There is a walk of shame in your forties that is even more shameful than the other. It’s when you forget to roll your trash cans back from the curb and the whole neighborhood starts judging you!

Not That Old

Some jokes are only appropriate for people over the age of 40. They’ll come across as offensive to those approaching forty if they don’t. Do you want to see one of these jokes in action? Here’s a great one we discovered:

Not That Old

Not That Old

Do you understand what I’m saying? This is a street sign in Europe that asks drivers to slow down because they are approaching an area with a large number of elderly people. Instead of displaying the speed limit, someone changed it to 40. That is to say, this is an excellent photo to send to 40-year-old friends!

Power Naps

We’ve all seen the stereotypes of an elderly person who is always in pain or falls asleep just as the rest of the family is about to eat dinner. While it’s natural to get sleepier as you get older, it’s important to remember that not all seniors are alike!

Power Naps

Power Naps

Some people, for instance, are extremely active. They place a high value on sports and physical activity. Others, on the other hand, just want to relax and unwind. And it is to them that this post is dedicated! Getting off the couch and living our best lives in our 40s? Sure, but give me a few minutes to nap first!

New Hobbies

As we get older, our hobbies, like everything else in life, change. It’s perfectly fine that we won’t always be interested in the same things. Because our bodies can no longer handle certain activities, we change our hobbies as we get older from a physical standpoint.

New Hobbies

New Hobbies

Hiking and traveling were once among this man’s favorite pastimes. As he grew older, he began to appreciate other things, such as painting and playing board games. His favorite pastime in his 40s was annoying his adolescent daughter — and who can’t relate to that?

Memory Needs To Be Exercised

You’ll notice that as you get older, your memory starts to fade and you become distracted. Even if not everyone loses their memory, we all become distracted when performing simple tasks. Do you require evidence of this? Take a look at the tweet below:

Memory Needs To Be Exercised

Memory Needs To Be Exercised

Are you aware of what we’re talking about? This woman, who is also in her forties, embodied all of us who have been on this planet for at least four decades and are looking for something tangible. That’s how it’s been in our lives!

Proving That You’re Fun

Because of the unfair stigmas and stereotypes that surround them, it’s difficult to find someone who is completely at ease with getting older. Most of us are having a hard time accepting that we are approaching our forties, which may lead to some of us doing foolish things to prove our worth.

Proving That You’re Fun

Proving That You’re Fun

What exactly are we talking about? About doing crazy stunts just to show that you’re having a good time! People in their 40s are frequently seen dressed in Gen Z fashion or acting like teenagers or young adults. We all know they’re just trying to show how entertaining they are, which is fine. Our advice is that you do whatever you want… Simply avoid putting too much pressure on your back, or you’ll suffer the consequences!

Looking Forward To Cleaning

When we’re young, doing household chores is the last thing on our minds. What adolescent boy or girl cheerfully completes their chores when they are supposed to? However, as we get older, our priorities shift, and all we care about is having our own nice home!

Looking Forward To Cleaning

Looking Forward To Cleaning

Isn’t it true that we all desire a nice, well-maintained home? While people in their twenties share this sentiment, those in their forties take it a step further. We already have a lovely home, but we don’t have the time to keep it up to date. As a result, the summer vacation is an excellent time to organize your affairs!

The Rowdiness Has Died Down

Have you heard the popular Hank Williams, Jr. song that goes, “all my rowdy friends have settled down…nobody wants to get loud…everybody just wants to go back home…”? We must warn you: once you reach your forties, you will be able to relate to these lyrics even more than before!

The Rowdiness Has Died Down

The Rowdiness Has Died Down

You won’t have the energy to do crazy things like stay out all night partying when you’re 40. When you do feel compelled to make poor choices, however, you will not want to do so by yourself. When you call your friends after 8 p.m. and they’re all fast asleep, you’ll be disappointed!

The Dating Pool

We’ve already talked about how dating gets harder as you get older. By the time we’re 40, we’ve already established ourselves in life, and we’ve learned what attracts us and what makes us want to run away from people.

The Dating Pool

The Dating Pool

As a result, finding someone who meets all of our requirements is difficult — and that’s how the dating pool in your 40s looks! Desolate, desolate, and abandoned! Do you want to figure out how to change it? Here’s a tip: keep an open mind and be willing to try new things!

Not Being Able To Relate To The Kids

To be honest, just because you’re in your 40s doesn’t mean you’re old. Regardless. Do you want us to show you what we’re talking about? Kim Kardashian, Leonardo DiCaprio, and the Spice Girls are all in their forties. Do you think they’re old? No! Nonetheless, there are a few things that make us feel older than we actually are!

Not Being Able To Relate To The Kids

Not Being Able To Relate To The Kids

This meme is so accurate that we don’t think it needs to be explained. Are you familiar with TikTok and how it works? We must admit that we have no idea how to use that app; all we know is that it has become the obsession of all the kids these days. And the fact that we don’t know how to use it makes us feel old!


This next post is dedicated to all of the 40-year-old men out there! Men in their 40s should have a colonoscopy, and women in their 40s should see their doctor for a breast exam. Maybe this is new to you, maybe not, but almost all men in their 40s have to go through this.



While a colonoscopy has no risks, many men refuse to have one because they believe it is too invasive. That’s a pretty prejudiced attitude, especially considering colonoscopies are supposed to help you avoid cancer! Trust us, you would need to go through this.

The Day Has Come!

And we’re going to be able to have it all! Do you know what happens when two 40-year-olds promise to marry each other? We’d like to know when people began to believe that this promise was unbelievable! It’s not exactly flattering when you think about it.

The Day Has Come!

The Day Has Come!

Isn’t it true that if your crush claims they’ll marry you when you’re both 40, they’ll only marry you when they’re old and have no one else to spend their life with? It’s wonderful that they even considered you, but it’s also heartbreaking!

Gotta Have ‘Em All

Aren’t we all familiar with the cliches of lonely, elderly women living alone with a zillion cats? Did you know, though, that some people keep dozens of dogs? You’re probably one of them if you don’t know at least one person like that.

Gotta Have ‘Em All!

Gotta Have ‘Em All!

By the time you’re in your 40s, your children will most likely be teenagers, and the last thing they’ll want to do is hug or touch their parents. As a result, people in their 40s begin to adopt so many puppies and wouldn’t even remember their names since there are so many pups!

Making The Most Of Our 40s

If we thought about all the things we’ve been moaning about our age, we’d be amazed at how petty we seem. On the other hand, it is evident that we are not doing so. Even if it means being overly dramatic, we’re determined to make the most of turning 40!

Making The Most Of Our 40s

Making The Most Of Our 40s

This essay is for our 40-something buddies who know precisely what we’re going through because they’ve been there and done that. They’re unmoved by our outbursts about turning 40! But, hey, we all have our burdens as we get older – no one can criticize us!

Memes Everywhere

Throughout the months, various themes have become increasingly popular on the internet. Every now and again, everyone gets charmed by a new haircut. Other times, everyone is gushing over a specific film or actor. Life beyond 40 is the biggest topic on the internet right now!

Memes Everywhere

Memes Everywhere

As a result, you can find memes about living in your 40s all over the internet! It’s a little overwhelming, but it’s also fascinating to discover how many other people have similar problems to us. It also makes us feel better to know that younger people think 40-year-olds are trendy!

Let Us Sulk In Peace

One thing is certain: getting used to reaching 40 takes a long time. Although this age isn’t inherently a negative one, it does serve as a reminder that we aren’t getting any younger. This isn’t something we accomplish every day!

Let Us Sulk In Peace

Let Us Sulk In Peace

You’ll try to deal with turning 40 as calmly as possible, but someone will always try to tease you! So, on top of dealing with a possible mid-life crisis, you’ll have to deal with jokes from family and friends!

A Bit Forgetful

We’ve probably all met someone who can’t remember what they said. They can’t be interrupted for more than a split second without losing track of what they’re saying and having to start over! You’re one step closer to being that person if you’re approaching 40!

A Bit Forgetful

A Bit Forgetful

Even if you’ve told the same story to the same person two or three times, you’ll start forgetting what you were saying and have occasional “did I tell you that story?” moments. Anyway, what were we talking about?

A New Chapter Of Life

We think we’re the coolest kids on the block while we’re in our teens. When we reach our twenties, all we want to do is have a wonderful time. When we reach our 30s, we begin to fantasize of seeing the world and eventually settling down. So, how about those of us in our forties? So, how do we proceed from here?

A New Chapter Of Life

A New Chapter Of Life

While reaching the age of 40 can be intimidating, it isn’t always a bad thing. It’s actually a fantastic time to begin living life to the fullest and achieving all of your objectives. Now is the perfect time to travel if you’ve always wanted to. If you’re single, now is the perfect moment to find love and begin a new chapter in your life.