Restaurant Owner Visits His Restaurant And The Staff Was Clueless

Published on 08/25/2021

Implementation of Community Initiatives

How did Poojari give back to the community? Poojari used his wealth to construct a free community hall in his home village. He implemented various measures and programmes to ensure that children get the educational help they deserve. Additionally, he helps those in need with medical payments, paid leave and even will give starter money to staff members attempting to start their own businesses.

Background (2)

Implementation of Community Initiatives


George Fernandes

Poojari became the acquaintance of an important man, George Fernandes, during the earlier years of Sukh Sagar. Fernandes discovered the rich, beautiful taste of paav-bhaji at Poojari’s first restaurant at the end of a long day of endless taxis. With great fatigue, his day turned a corner upon visiting Poojari’s restaurant.

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George Fernandes