We applaud parents who don’t swear in front of their kids. It can be difficult to keep your cool when all you want to do is let off steam and swear. This particular mother came up with a clever way to avoid cursing.

Since she coined the word “jerk headed freak,” which is both amusing and catchy, she should consider trademarking it. Her husband was not the recipient of whatever snide remark she had planned to make. She hastily hushed it up! Even if it isn’t called “creativity,” we don’t know what to label it.
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There is a multitude of reasons why people purchase large-screen televisions. Some people do it for the sake of having a sleek appearance. Some individuals do it because the photo resolutions are so high on their phones. Others do it because their vision is impaired and they require a larger screen on which to watch movies or television shows.

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@AF Cromley’s mother, on the other hand, had an entirely opposite reason for desiring a large-screen television. A lack of understanding of how visuals work leads to this problem. If things turned out the way she had hoped, she’d need a television the size of a football field to see the entire field!