These Mom Tweets Will Surely Brighten Up Anyone’s Day
You know you’re in for a treat when Jimmy Fallon, the famed comedian, and talk show presenter, writes, “It’s Hashtags time!” Jimmy Fallon, the host of The Tonight Show, frequently utilizes Twitter to ask his viewers to share their personal experiences with him. Some of them are even featured in the show’s popular #Hashtags segment. In honor of Mother’s Day, which was just a few weeks ago, Jimmy urged his fans to tweet him the funniest or craziest thing their mothers have ever said or done, using the hashtag #MomQuotes. Here are a few of our favorite quotes about mothers from around the world that caught our attention or made us giggle. Scroll down for some great laughs and entertainment!
She Forgot
We don’t give mothers enough credit for juggling multiple responsibilities. Multitasking is a skill that women excel at. They look after the children, feed the family, keep the house clean, and manage the finances. It’s natural for people to lose track of time from time to time.

She Just Forgot
The mother of Twitter user @mjrtomsajunkie just had a “momentary brain fart.” We can’t say we blame her for her actions. It might be challenging to plan huge family holidays! She was so frazzled that she forgot her own daughter’s full name and date of birth.
Mom Jokes
Dad jokes are widespread. We’ve all heard our fathers make jokes. When stated in front of individuals who aren’t family, they’re corny, frequently not very funny, and humiliating. But, if there are dad jokes, why aren’t there any for moms?

Mom Jokes
It’s possible that @chelseadalis’ mother invented mom jokes. They don’t look like their male counterparts. Quippy, fast, deadpan comedy is a better description of mom jokes. This one, she told the waitress, is an excellent example.
We applaud parents who don’t swear in front of their kids. It can be difficult to keep your cool when all you want to do is let off steam and swear. This particular mother came up with a clever way to avoid cursing.

Since she coined the word “jerk headed freak,” which is both amusing and catchy, she should consider trademarking it. Her husband was not the recipient of whatever snide remark she had planned to make. She hastily hushed it up! Even if it isn’t called “creativity,” we don’t know what to label it.
Full View
There is a multitude of reasons why people purchase large-screen televisions. Some people do it for the sake of having a sleek appearance. Some individuals do it because the photo resolutions are so high on their phones. Others do it because their vision is impaired and they require a larger screen on which to watch movies or television shows.

Full View
@AF Cromley’s mother, on the other hand, had an entirely opposite reason for desiring a large-screen television. A lack of understanding of how visuals work leads to this problem. If things turned out the way she had hoped, she’d need a television the size of a football field to see the entire field!
What, honey?
We have all used words that were only understood by our own family members. They are often created as a result of a family member mispronouncing or misinterpreting specific phrases when they were younger, though this is not always the case. According to @raflocruz99, the phrase in question is “Honey Roaches.”

What, honey
Okay, we don’t have to conjure up a mental image of a possible cockroach subspecies known as Honey Roaches to get our point through. It’s also unnecessary to have a mental image of bugs inside a box of cereal. However, when you hear the word “Honey Roaches,” exactly what happens is that you get a case of the creeps!
Honest Mom
It’s hard not to admire a mother’s brutal honesty. It is sometimes the single thing that leads you to reevaluate everything, from your life choices to your sense of self-worth and everything in between. Everyone was taken aback by one mother’s decision to keep stock photos in photo frames for future generations.

Honest Mom
In certain situations, our mother’s candor is appreciated; nevertheless, this is one of those instances in which a mother’s harsh candor is completely unwarranted. What exactly is the harm caused by this statement? Furthermore, having images of people you do not know on display in your home is weird.
Occasionally, mothers simply desire to be as close to their children as possible. It’s possible that knowing that their children aren’t too far away makes them feel a whole lot better about their situation. This is especially true when the children are preparing to enter a postsecondary institution.

Twitter user @LibrarianNoelle had intended to go to graduate school outside of the state, but her mother appears to be a touch clingy about the whole thing. We find it amusing that, out of all the things she might have said first, her main argument against Texas is that it is the location of the Kennedy assassination.
Mom Is Savage
Another example of the horrible, harsh honesty that only a mother is capable of displaying. What we don’t understand is why this kind of deadpan honesty is frequently associated with the appearance of youngsters. Maybe that’s just the way things are at the moment. What are your thoughts?

Mom Is Savage
Why couldn’t this woman simply say, “My beautiful daughters,” as she should have done? What a nice and encouraging comment, and I’m sure it will make the twins smile. But, no, she couldn’t help but throw in that final piece to complete the puzzle. That had to have been extremely painful. Any girl who hears it would believe it to be true.
“I’m a cool mother.”
… Regina, are you sure? If you don’t catch the allusion we just made, you’re probably too old for this! Jimmy Fallon even jumped on the #Hashtags bandwagon to explain why his friend tries so hard to be the cool dad. But the thing with being cool is that if you were truly cool, you wouldn’t have to try.

“I’m A Cool Mother.”
If we heard the phrase “pump up the jams,” we’d probably assume it meant turning up the volume on the speakers and turning up the volume on the music. This is not the case, however. When she said “jams,” her mother meant jammies. This was not the plan for anyone else.
Lyrics For Mom
Nobody is perfect. We’ve all made mistakes, some huge, some minor. We’ve all made mistakes with lyrics before. We can only move forward if we learn the appropriate words. However, it is embraced warmly by Twitter user @CheerfulLisette’s mother.

Lyrics For Mom
No, “Rolling in Sheep” is illogical. It makes no difference, though. You’re already expressing yourself if you sing it confidently. Sing your heart out, Mom! Let the sheep loose! Allow no one to persuade you otherwise!
Mom Is Savage Part 2
This string of tweets is quickly teaching us that mothers can be ruthless if they so want. Never dismiss them because their remarks will come back to haunt you. @bdwaybrooke’s mum is in the same boat.

Mom Is Savage Part 2
This tweet was read by Jimmy Fallon during the segment and was one of the tweets that made it into the show. “Could you tell me which aisle the etiquette is in?” One of the most incredible shade comments we’ve ever gotten!
I Love You So Much, Or Not
Parents have frequently stated that they would go to any length for their children in order to assure their wellbeing. It is an unspoken agreement among family members that they are willing to die for one another if necessary. In the case of @Kayli k wilson, though, things are a little different.

I Love You So Much, Or Not
Parenting does not appear to be a natural process that includes self-sacrificial love. It’s sometimes preferable to save oneself first rather than your family members. It’s hardly a big deal, but this mom would rather not tackle her fear of heights than risk her life by walking right up to the brink!
The Second Child
In the majority of households, pets are treated as if they were children. The dogs, on the other hand, are the house’s children. They require significantly more time, love, and attention than genuine children. Because of this, it’s no wonder that the tone stated in the tweet below has been adopted.

The Second Child
When a family has an empty nest, it is common for parents to adopt a pet to fill the hole. That is most likely what happened in this particular household. The dog is @JodiHoatson’s sibling, and he fills in for the void she left in the family when she passed away.
Apple Store
Some of our favorite tweets from this conversation have come from this person. Check out this video to see how one mother describes in detail what it’s like to stand in front of an Apple Store with no context. It appears to be a gathering spot where people congregate and text each other.

Apple Store
Yes, this generation is unable to function without their smartphones for more than an hour at a time. It has gotten so ingrained in our daily lives that it is nearly impossible to function without it. The Apple Store is simply a microcosm of what real life is like, with individuals glued to their phones and dragged into the rest of the world around them.
International Postal Service
When parents aren’t computer literate, it can be either endearing or aggravating. Sometimes it can be irritating when you’re trying to teach them something and they simply don’t understand what you’re telling them. But this is not the case with the mother of Twitter user @christell20001’s daughter.

International Postal Service
Fair enough, this woman is 85 years old, so we’ll forgive her for her misinterpretation. It’s amusing that she was under the impression that emails worked the same way as international calls. Just wait until she learns about FaceTime! She was on the verge of going insane. What about the dating app Tinder?
Best Intro
Family reunions can be a miserable event for everyone involved. Everyone tries to catch up on one another’s lives after not seeing each other for a lengthy period of time at this time. These get-togethers are riddled with inquisitive family members on the lookout for the latest tea blend.

Best Intro
By presenting her children in this manner, Twitter user @revarice’s mother protected everyone from being snooped on by her children. Our mother is more than happy to do this rather than have relatives contact us and seek to extract information about our love lives.
Pizza, You Say?
Even without having to remember the names of all the numerous pizza franchises, moms already have a lot on their plates! We make every effort to be understanding of their mistakes, but the mother of this Twitter user has us baffled and perplexed. Check out what she believes to be the names of the pizza places!

Pizza, You Say?
The name Papa John’s is difficult to recollect, to say the least. It’s the most common name you could ever use to refer to a pizza delivery service. However, it was Magic Jack’s performance that had us in stitches. If it’s anything like the Magic Mike films, it’s a rip-off sequel! Could it be that this is her favorite movie?
We’re at a loss for what to say about this situation. It’s possible that the mother is suffering from a genuine neurological problem. Our team has a slew of questions. First and foremost, why was the mother looking for her child’s cell phone in the first place? Is that something her daughter would be okay with?

Second, why would she text when she could just call and walk to the phone as soon as the phone rings? It has left us completely bewildered as to what the point of this SMS message is. This Twitter user is most likely just as surprised as we are about this. What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you agree with Mom’s point of view?
Signing Off
When it comes to Baby Boomers and the generation that followed them, text messages are handled as if they were letters. To begin, you must extend a courteous greeting, and to conclude, you must sign out with professionalism. It gives the impression that you are emailing your boss or a professor at university when you are messaging your parents.

Signing Off
If this SMS message had been sent as an email, it would have looked very similar. Linda, would you please contact me as soon as you have the opportunity? Mom, you have my heartfelt affection. We can’t help but smile when we see such endearing behavior. Mothers everywhere must be safeguarded against harm. Everyone, step up to the plate!
Unspoiled Dressing
We’d like to express our polite disagreement with @alyssalimp’s mum. Certainly, we understand if her decision to save the salad dressing from five years ago was prompted by a desire to save money on food. Saving a little money at the expense of the family’s health, on the other hand, is not the best course of action for everyone.

Unspoiled Dressing
Even though this parent may assume that salad dressing never expires, we ran some fact-checking to determine whether or not she was correct. According to the first Google search, salad dressing can be used for up to 4 months after the expiration date has passed. Overall, it’s preferable to get rid of something after five years!
LA Fitness
You’re human, and you make mistakes from time to time. Other times, you simply misinterpret the signals. Her mother, @itsMelPresta, is responsible for the latter crime. As she passed by a gym, she spotted the sign “LA Fitness” and mistook it for “la fitness” – as if it were some sort of upscale French gym!

LA Fitness
The trouble is that the responses to this tweet revealed that she wasn’t the only one who mistook the sign for anything else. Perhaps the LA Fitness facility should make an investment in a new signage design. It’s a myth that may cause some people to get fearful and leave the country.
Ninja Turtles
As previously stated, mothers are endowed with a special sense of hilarity. Besides being able to make direct and deadpan observations, they may also be humorous and true at the same time. Watch the video below to hear what the mother of @itsconnortp had to say about her recent vacation to Florence, Italy. It’s just hilarious!

Ninja Turtles
The most impressive aspect of this remark is that it is technically right! They are all buried in a church or chapel of some kind, despite the fact that the artists Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, and Leonardo Da Vinci are not all buried in the same place as one another.
Words Of Wisdom
Okay, we’ve assembled a lengthy collection of humorous, snarky, and foolish mom quotes for your amusement and entertainment. It is past time for something a little more serious to take place. We are all aware that mothers provide the best advice – the kind that we don’t want but that we didn’t realize we needed.

Words Of Wisdom
Keep it in mind the next time you find yourself bored, youngsters. Boring people are the only ones who become disinterested. If you’re creative and interesting enough, you’ll always be able to come up with new and interesting things to do. It strongly urges you to fill your days with new and exciting events.
Bad Boy
Now, let’s get back to the amusing mom quotes that we all know and love. What follows is an account of what happened when a child on his bike rode into the street, taking this mother completely by surprise. She could have cursed him or honked her horn at him, but she chose not to. Instead, she did the unthinkable: she committed suicide.

Bad Boy
Her reaction was as though he had peed in the wrong spot in the house and she was yelling, “BAD!” “You’re a wicked lad!” says the narrator. Poor youngster, you’re riding your bike into the street out of nowhere!” says the teacher. Whatever it takes to get the shock out of her system will be undertaken.
It’s Only Fair
Every time you make a brilliant remark to your mother, she almost always responds with a ready-made response. That emotion is often associated with them carrying you for nine months and going through a tough birth experience for you as a result. The mother of @Marisa_Rosie22 is Exhibit A in this case.

It’s Only Fair
That should serve as a warning to her in the future not to complain about her personal space. Her mother has the upper hand in this situation. This is the type of sentence that is used to put an end to any and all prospective disagreements. Anything said in response to this remark will not help them win the game.
Fair Enough
A single Mother’s Day celebration is insufficient to demonstrate our appreciation for all that our mothers do for us. They are deserving of more than a single day of recognition and appreciation. That’s what the mother of Twitter user @MrsM426 believed, according to her daughter. The approach that she proposed made a great deal of sense.

Fair Enough
There should be more to a birthday celebration than merely celebrating the person who is celebrating his or her birth date. Furthermore, they should include information about the person who gave birth to them! Mothers put up the most amount of work to bring us into the world and ensure that we ever had a birthday in the first place.
Just My Hatchet
Don’t be concerned about the woman on the bus who has a hatchet stashed in her handbag. Currently, she is on her way to cut down a tree on one of her properties. She assures you that she has no ill will against you. It’s practically nothing more than a hatchet in her possession.

Just My Hatchet
If we were passengers on this bus and saw this distressing image, we would be quite concerned about our safety. We’d definitely get out at the next stop and call the bus driver on our way out—anything to escape to safety and away from the crazy with a hatchet, which was our only option at the time.
Another Mom Joke
When this mother asked this question, we’re not sure if she was serious or if she was just trying to be funny. The fact that she appears to have said it numerous times speaks volumes. That means it’s got to be one of those mom jokes. What are your thoughts?

Another Mom Joke
The first time you see something, it may seem hilarious to you. The other members of the family may have cracked a smile when they heard what I said. However, if you had to hear this every time you inserted a VHS tape into the player, you’d get tired of hearing it after a while.
Just Like Mother
Fortunately, the fruit doesn’t fall far from the branch. As a result, when @Bang3394 was booted from the party for being impolite, his mother was indifferent about what had happened. Indeed, it wasn’t even the most pressing of her problems. It appears that she has confirmed the age-old adage “like mother, like child.”

Just Like Mother
The only thing that stood out to us about this tweet was the fact that this kid had been expelled as a result of his or her behavior. This does not appear to be a sufficient reason for expulsion. Isn’t it the maximum amount they could have gotten for their crime detention?
Yes, we’re talking about the battle between iOS and Android. Society as a whole is influenced by it; this includes the family unit. The mother of an Android user felt alienated from her two daughters who used iOS devices. They were able to respond to messages, but she was unable to. What does that say about their devoted mother?

This is a very creative way of responding to communications from other people. Despite the fact that it takes time and work, at the very least this parent is not losing out. She has the notion that she is texting in the same way as her daughters are messaging. Anything to keep you from feeling as if you’re missing out on something.
Moms And Math
However, just because mothers are virtually unstoppable doesn’t imply they’re devoid of shortcomings. They, like any other normal person, have to cope with a wide range of challenges in their lives. The mother of Twitter user @SMKlahr has difficulty with basic arithmetic skills. The following reasoning serves as evidence of this claim.

Moms And Math
Yes, 40 multiplied by 2 equals 70, which is correct. Or, at the very least, it is what this mother believes will happen! According to the “mom is always right” rule, however, this family will hear this statement, shrug it off, and get on with their lives. Nope! This was not going to work this time.
Piddle Diddle
The words and phrases you hear as a child stick with you throughout your life. Either that or your mother is completely unaware of the fact that all of her children have reached adulthood. In this family, the act of urinating is referred to as a “piddle diddle.” Isn’t she just the cutest thing ever? If you’re under the age of six, the answer is “yes.”

Piddle Diddle
Think about an older woman asking a bunch of forty-somethings whether they need to “piddle diddle” before they leave their house. It’s probable that it’s a little embarrassing for you. However, when seen from the perspective of a mother and her adult children, it’s actually rather nice.
Not Impressed
Among those who participated in the #Hashtags section were Mike Birbiglia, a comedian, and actor. He has a long list of film credits under his belt, so it is understandable that his mother would be thrilled when he hit the front page of his hometown paper. But she was not. This, however, is not the case at all.

Not Impressed
In this case, Mom appears to be unimpressed. Possibly, because she is accustomed to seeing her son’s name in publications other than The Cape Cod Times, she will reach out to her if he is featured in The New York Times or Forbes, both of which he has done!
It Will Make A WHAT?
As you grow older, you begin to realize that the majority of the things that you get worked up about are ultimately insignificant. Even the food you eat plays a role. It makes no difference if you have steak and fries for dinner or s’mores for dessert. In the end, everything is contained within a container.

It Will Make A WHAT?
The strategy used by this mother to keep her children quiet helps to put things into perspective for her. It causes you to pause and consider your life and the things for which you are grateful. At the very least, you will be able to eat. Let us not bemoan the fact that we’re having supper at this time.
I Don’t Know
To see their children grow up and become better people than they are is the ultimate goal of every parent. As a result, parents work extremely hard to ensure that their children receive a respectable education. Having intelligent children comes with its own set of privileges. They’re basically a walking Google search engine.

I Don’t Know
We can only picture what some of these debates were like on the inside. “Hey, honey, what is the temperature difference between 90 degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius?” the mother inquires. In response, the young boy says, “I’m not sure, Mom.” “You surely do!” says the speaker. “No, I really don’t,” he says once more emphatically.
Face Yoga
Despite the fact that certain motherly advice and old wives’ tales make no logic, we trust them since they came from our mothers. @Myusername45’s mother believes that there is a specific method for getting rid of chin fat, which she explains below. It is, without a doubt, face yoga!

Face Yoga
It’s possible that your excessive vowel enunciations will make you appear dumb. It is necessary, however, to determine whether there has been any evidence that this activity is beneficial. In the event that we see a significant reduction in chin fat simply by doing this, we will give it a shot.
Not Wrong
Is it possible that you’ve been grounded for the most incomprehensible reasons? Alternatively, it’s possible that you’ll be grounded for something you didn’t even do wrong. During one instance, Twitter user @IvoryturnedIIIII was grounded after responding correctly to a question from her mother. The frustration level doesn’t go much higher than that.

Not Wrong
This mother should have just punished her child for failing to adequately close the door after he was called out. Alternatively, for ever having spoken back to her in the first place. That would have made far more sense than putting someone on the spot because they were correct.
Here’s yet another example of a mother’s day pun. When you stop and think about it, it truly does sound like a father-son joke. Possibly, throughout the years, their parents’ sense of humour rubbed off on one another. However, the difficulty is that if you’re too young, you’re unlikely to comprehend what the reference is all about.

For those who are unfamiliar with David Cassidy’s work, he is an American actor and singer. He was best known for his role as Keith Partridge on the television series The Partridge Family, which ran during the 1970s. Do you see what’s hilarious about this tradition now that you think about it?
Break Up Text
Text messages are frequently finished with the words “okay” or “speak to you later.” Sometimes they don’t even do that; instead, they simply allow the dialogue to come to a halt because it is a text. @SpunkyRogue24’s mother, on the other hand, feels compelled to complete the text in the proper manner.

Break Up Text
It would have been more appropriate if this discussion had taken place in person instead of on the internet. The phrase “I’m done, farewell” is not something you would say to someone’s face in real life. On the other hand, it is analogous to saying “Okay, see you!” It appears that she is breaking up with the person on the other end of the phone call via text message.
Dawn Or Joy?-
We’ve all heard stories about mothers who swear by specific brands. When it comes to hand washing, dish soap, or floor cleaning, they will only purchase that particular brand of product. The same may be said for @Paul J Coyne’s mother.

Dawn Or Joy?