Aluminum Foil And Plastic Wrap: 30+ Ways To Make Your Life Easier

Published on 09/23/2021

Roll Dough with No Mess

Pull out a roll of plastic wrap the next time you get out your rolling pin. Next, place a sheet of parchment paper on top of your cutting board or whatever surface you’re going to use to flatten the dough.

Roll Dough With No Mess

Roll Dough With No Mess

The dough is then placed on top, followed by another layer of plastic wrap. This prevents greasy, doughy messes on the surface and your rolling pin! However, it’s not recommended to use it frequently because it causes some pastries to bake unevenly.


Make Your Own Funnel

Do you need to pour something into a bottle with a narrow neck? Don’t have a funnel in the kitchen? There’s no need to be concerned because you don’t require one.

Make Your Own Funnel

Make Your Own Funnel

Roll a piece of aluminum foil into a cone shape and use it to pour liquids, grains, or other difficult-to-pour substances into whatever fancy bottles you want. We’d recommend rolling it several layers thick to prevent it from being knocked out of place by a stream of liquid, but as long as you pour slowly, it should be fine.