Aluminum Foil And Plastic Wrap: 30+ Ways To Make Your Life Easier

Published on 09/23/2021

Clean Your Silver

You can use aluminum foil to line a dish and restore the luster of your silverware or silver jewelry if it has gotten dull and tarnished. Aluminum sets off a chemical reaction that automatically cleans your home.

Clean Your Silver

Clean Your Silver

In a foil-lined baking dish, combine one tablespoon baking soda and a teaspoon of salt, then pour in half a cup of vinegar (slowly!). Pour in a cup of hot water after that. After 30 seconds, add your silver pieces to the mixture, and there you have it!


Makeshift Piping Bag

A true piping bag comes with a variety of nozzles for making elaborate frosting patterns. Aluminum foil will suffice if you aren’t bothered with perfection and don’t want to clean it.

Makeshift Piping Bag

Makeshift Piping Bag

Heavy-duty foil is preferred for this hack, but normal foil would suffice if you wrap enough layers. Then roll it into a cone, fill it with (ideally) soft icing, seal it, and crown the cupcakes like dessert kings and queens!