Check Out These 25 Funniest Sports Moments Ever Captured On Camera

Published on 01/07/2022

Get Outta There!

Falling over while running on the track is never a good thing, but the location of your fall can have a significant impact on how bad it is. It’s similar to the cycling analogy we discussed earlier: falling in the back isn’t so bad, but falling in the lead is a recipe for disaster!

Get Outta There!

Get Outta There!


This unfortunate track runner appears to have flopped in front of a large group of runners who were following her, which appears to be a bad situation. Also, it’s kind of funny, but it’s not good. We can only hope that all of those athletes were able to leap over her or that she rolled out of the way fairly quickly.

Call The Medics!

You know, there’s something a little disconcerting about the fact that some people can find humor in the misery of other people. When you see something that appears to be extremely dangerous, you laugh instead of becoming concerned. Although this is acceptable provided that the person you’re laughing at is in fact okay, right?

Call The Medics!

Call The Medics!

Despite the fact that this athlete appeared to have flopped on the ice, he was in fact perfectly healthy and fine after the incident. So we can all laugh at her great misfortune because we’re all bad people, and that’s okay with us. Hooray!