Check Out These 25 Funniest Sports Moments Ever Captured On Camera

Published on 01/07/2022

Too Fast

Figure skaters are considered to be the most graceful athletes in the world when compared to the majority of other sports. If anything, when they make a clumsy mistake, it makes it even more humiliating. Unfortunately, even professional figure skaters are subjected to these types of situations from time to time.

Too Fast

Too Fast


The cause of this incident is unclear; it’s possible that the figure skater simply lost control and couldn’t stop themselves. Whatever the case, we’re sure they had a difficult time getting over it.

Is It A New Move In Skating?

While we’re on the subject of figure skaters and their occasional but hilarious flops, check out this one, which looks a lot like someone dancing in the 1970s. The expression on her face says it all: she is well aware that she has made a mistake and is genuinely concerned about the outcome.

Is It A New Move In Skating?

Is It A New Move In Skating?

She was probably the most embarrassed about tripping over in front of such a large group of people in the aftermath of the incident. We’re laughing because it’s a funny picture, but we have to admit that we feel a little sorry for her. There’s no way anyone would want to be in her shoes at that point in time.