Check Out These 25 Funniest Sports Moments Ever Captured On Camera

Published on 01/07/2022

Another One In The Face

With regard to baseballs hitting people in the face, it’s amazing how quick the human reaction time is: even when a baseball is flying through the air at hundreds of miles per hour, athletes have enough time to make silly faces like this. Unfortunately, there is usually not enough time to get out of the way before things get out of hand.

Another One In The Face

Another One In The Face


Despite the fact that getting hit in the face by a baseball at high speed is extremely painful, we feel a little bad about laughing at this joke. After all, insensitivity is a critical component of getting a laugh out of certain situations.

Ninja Moves

Despite the fact that no one is in danger, this is one of the few images we have that is truly amusing. In fact, we’re not sure what triggered the creation of this extremely bizarre and amusing image. Is this how the game is supposed to be played? Is it expected that you perform sick ninja kicks in this sport?

Ninja Moves

Ninja Moves

Or are they simply letting their imaginations run wild because they can? In one way or another, these two athletes were caught in a photograph doing something extremely bizarre.