Check Out These 25 Funniest Sports Moments Ever Captured On Camera

Published on 01/07/2022


Isn’t it amazing that something like this doesn’t happen more often considering how much this guy has to squat during a baseball game? The real question is whether or not they would really stop a match just to allow him to change his pants. Or would they be able to find someone to take his place?




Any athlete in this position would be embarrassed in any situation, but it would be even worse because everyone’s attention is already focused on him, and it’s not like anyone could have missed him!!

Right In The Face?

The most embarrassing aspect of this photograph is that it clearly shows that this unfortunate individual attempted to kick the ball. We’re just not sure if he kicked it completely into his own face or if he accidentally kicked it into himself. Perhaps the intrigue adds to the comedy’s overall effect.

Right In The Face?

Right In The Face?

It’s amazing how far the nose can bend without actually breaking or breaking anything, to digress a little. The fact that that guy’s face looks like that in this photograph is a mystery, but he will most likely be fine in the end.