Pictures With Intriguing Contrasts That Will Change Your Perceptions

Published on 06/14/2021

When you find a good position, you stick to it

Some people sleep in a different position almost every night (and change positions every hour, often pushing their partners off the bed), while others sleep in the same position each night.

When You Find A Good Position, You Stick Yo It

When You Find A Good Position, You Stick Yo It

Clearly, as evidenced by the photos posted by the mother, this baby is firmly on the side of #TeamSamePosition. The first image is a 3D ultrasound scan of the baby taken three weeks before birth, and the second image was taken three weeks after birth, respectively.


Same item, (very) different prices

We can see why this was shared on the Mildly Infuriating forum on Reddit. According to the person who posted this comparison collage, these are the very different prices they’ve found for one simple product.

Same Item, (very) Different Prices

Same Item, (very) Different Prices

They’re comparing the prices of a pack of 12 white chalk pieces that they’ve found online. It is available for purchase at a well-known retailer for 99 cents. However, the same item costs 11.98 dollars at their college bookstore, a significant price difference.