He was a skater boy
If you’re wondering why these shoes appear to be in such poor condition, it’s because they aren’t being worn for walking anymore. They belong to a skater boy (“she said see you later, boy” #AvrilLavigne).

He Was A Skater Boy
One shoe is primarily resting on the longboard, while the other mainly pushes the longboard with the other. As a result, we’re wondering whether skate shoe manufacturers sell shoes by the foot rather than by the pair, which would explain why this appears to be a common occurrence.
A beautiful smile, before and after
Teeth correction may be a lengthy and arduous process that includes wearing braces and having a few teeth extracted, or even more complex procedures such as jaw surgery, depending on the circumstances.

A Beautiful Smile, Before And After
It took this young woman nine years (nine!) to get her braces off, but she couldn’t stop smiling when the day came to take her braces off. Moreover, what a beautiful smile it is! Her journey appears to have been worthwhile, and we share her delight in her accomplishment.