30+ Famous Parents Who Have Hilariously Trolled Their Children On Social Media

Published on 10/28/2021

Adopting The Lingo

When Zo Kravitz’s father saw millennials inventing all kinds of new lingo, he did everything he could to make sure he wasn’t left out. “Now who’s weeerrrking it hunty????” he asked, slipping in some new-age slang under her fierce selfie.

Adopting The Lingo

Adopting The Lingo

Okay, Dad, we see what you’re doing! That’s two phrases in one sentence, which means double the embarrassment for Zo and double the laughter for the rest of the fans!


Be Nice To Your Sibling

“Now that you’re 5, don’t you think it’s the mature thing to try and be nice to your brother?” Kim K asked in a caption accompanying this beautiful photo of her daughter for her 5th birthday.

Be Nice To Your Sibling

Be Nice To Your Sibling

Ouch. I wouldn’t mess with Kim Kardashian, and her sassy daughter isn’t likely to either after this tweet! Even after her mother’s hilarious online poke, I’m sure she had the best birthday ever.