30+ Famous Parents Who Have Hilariously Trolled Their Children On Social Media

Published on 10/28/2021
30+ Famous Parents Who Have Hilariously Trolled Their Children On Social Media

30+ Famous Parents Who Have Hilariously Trolled Their Children On Social Media

It’s no surprise, then, those celebrities are known for their affable and frequently hilarious personas, and this extends to their attitudes toward their children. Even celebrities’ children can be embarrassed by their parents from time to time. A number of well-known parents have jumped on the social media bandwagon to make fun of their children on the internet.

Pick Up The Phone

Pick Up The Phone

It appears that Seth Rogan’s sense of humor came from his mother, as he is a hilarious comedian. When he wished his mother a happy Mother’s Day on Twitter, she expressed her preference for a phone call over a social media post. On Mother’s Day, this iconic mother-son duo definitely elicited a few laughs. Allow this to serve as a valuable reminder to your children about the importance of texting your parents before posting on social media.

It’s Just A Compliment

Parents have a tendency to say whatever comes to mind without considering how it will be received. Wells Adams, Sarah Hyland’s fiancé, posted this handsome photo of himself in a suit on Instagram, and her mother couldn’t help but respond with a quick comment telling him that he looked hot.

It's Just A Compliment

It’s Just A Compliment

In a lot of ways, the way Sarah Hyland responded to her with “MOTHER.” is reminiscent of the way we all react when our parents embarrass us in public in front of our friends (or boyfriend).

Adopting The Lingo

When Zo Kravitz’s father saw millennials inventing all kinds of new lingo, he did everything he could to make sure he wasn’t left out. “Now who’s weeerrrking it hunty????” he asked, slipping in some new-age slang under her fierce selfie.

Adopting The Lingo

Adopting The Lingo

Okay, Dad, we see what you’re doing! That’s two phrases in one sentence, which means double the embarrassment for Zo and double the laughter for the rest of the fans!

Be Nice To Your Sibling

“Now that you’re 5, don’t you think it’s the mature thing to try and be nice to your brother?” Kim K asked in a caption accompanying this beautiful photo of her daughter for her 5th birthday.

Be Nice To Your Sibling

Be Nice To Your Sibling

Ouch. I wouldn’t mess with Kim Kardashian, and her sassy daughter isn’t likely to either after this tweet! Even after her mother’s hilarious online poke, I’m sure she had the best birthday ever.

Passing Down Makeup Tips

If there’s one thing mothers excel at, it’s offering constructive criticism. Iris Mann, Leslie Mann’s daughter, shared this photo on Instagram, and her mother immediately advised her to use a darker concealer shade.

Passing Down Makeup Tips

Passing Down Makeup Tips

But, just in case Iris had forgotten, she signed off with a loving kiss and “Mom” at the end. Makeup advise from the queen herself! Even if they’re on the internet and in front of millions of people, I’ll take them!

Take It Down, Dad!

Why do our parents always choose the pictures of us that are the worst? Judd Apatow shared this adorable but unexpected photo of his two daughters expressing their love for it, but he also warned people in the comments section that they’d ask him to take it down as soon as they saw it.

Take It Down, Dad!

Take It Down, Dad!

It turns out he wasn’t entirely wrong. I think the picture is adorable, with the exception of the awkward hand. To cut out the strange wall art, he could’ve angled the camera a little lower.

Apatow Chimes In Again

Judd Apatow appears to be the king of online trolling of his children. He simply refuses to give up! When his daughter Iris’ mother, actress Lena Dunham, took her on a trip to London, he pretended he hadn’t noticed and joked that he thought she was in the next room the entire time.

Apatow Chimes In Again

Apatow Chimes In Again

Please get out of your room and engage in more social activities so that your parents will never be able to make these types of embarrassing jokes with you in the future.

Shots Fired On Both Ends

Imagine being Madonna’s son…already that’s a win. When Madonna’s son Bobby posted a photo of himself wearing a slightly wonky tie, his father remarked, “Who taught him how to dress like that?”

Shots Fired On Both Ends

Shots Fired On Both Ends

Madonna clapped back at her ex in a similar way, letting the world know that she believes she did. He also has good looks! I feel bad for Bobby, who is being roasted online by both of his parents at the same time, especially since one of them is Madonna.

At Least He’s Honest

“Honesty is the best policy,” Ryan Reynolds appears to be teaching his daughter. Let’s face it, parents of young children often display their scribbles, which they refer to as “artwork,” around the house to make their children feel better about themselves, but the paintings aren’t exactly Picasso-level.

At Least He's Honest

At Least He’s Honest

Even the ones painted by his tiny daughter, Ryan was honest about the fact that they’re garbage. That’s what it means to instill the right values in your children. She’s only six months old, so she’s not going to understand anything he writes.

This Is Real Music

Every generation will reach an age where they will reflect on the music that was popular when they were younger. Actor Jerry O’Connell left no crumbs in the car while singing a classic old tune to his kids and blasting the song. He shared the video of his disgruntled children on Twitter, and it’s hilarious to watch.

This Is Real Music

This Is Real Music

At one point, I believe they drove past a high school. I’m not sure how his kid would deal with the humiliation of hearing the older kids blast those throwbacks.

Go To School, Kid!

Is it possible to be a good parent while also embarrassing your child on social media? Keep an eye out for David Beckham! He caught his soon-to-be-brother Brooklyn going live on Instagram and told him that he should be in school studying instead of on his phone in a comment.

Go To School, Kid!

Go To School, Kid!

Brooklyn must have gotten off the live video feed very quickly after that, I’m sure. The most effective treatment is to be publicly called out in front of your followers!

Not Dad’s Favorite Pic

We all know how protective fathers can be, and Alec Baldwin was first in line when a revealing photo posted by his daughter appeared on his Instagram feed. In a simple comment that read “Just No,” he let her know that he wasn’t happy with the picture.

Not Dad's Favorite Pic

Not Dad’s Favorite Pic

Baldwin, unfortunately, was the odd man out in this situation, as his daughter’s fans loved the photo. Better luck next time, Dad, though I’m sure the remark caused you enough embarrassment as it is.

She’s A Little Young

Serena Williams’ daughter looks a lot like her mother as if she can’t wait to get out on the tennis court. Her father was present to inform her that she was not yet of legal age.

She's A Little Young

She’s A Little Young

“You’re still too young to play doubles with Mum,” he joked, and she has a long way to go before she feels embarrassed. Olympia seems to be at ease on the tennis court, and I’m sure she’ll be a force to be reckoned with as she grows older.

Come On, Jimmy

Jimmy Kimmel, the late-night talk show host and comedian, isn’t afraid to speak his mind. Kimmel jumped in to remind his elder daughter where they both came from…in his words, his “balls,” when she shared an adorable piece of artwork her tiny sister had painted of her on Instagram.

Come On, Jimmy

Come On, Jimmy

Just reading that comment made my cheeks flush! His poor daughters. Throughout the course of each day, Jimmy Kimmel makes it abundantly clear that he is a comedian both by trade and by nature.

An Iconic Moment In History

Never forget how Will Smith trolled his son Jaden by remaking his music video frame-by-frame as a “congratulations” gift for 100,000 streams. With his hilarious expressions, the actor nailed the video… Why do I like it better than the original (no offense, Jaden. You’re still a cool dude)?

An Iconic Moment In History

An Iconic Moment In History

This is most likely not the gift Jaden had hoped for, but it is the gift we didn’t realize we needed until now. Will, do you mind if we hear some music sampling as well?

David Beckham Strikes Again

David Beckham appears to relish any opportunity to tease his son Brooklyn, and he also has a great sense of humour. Graham Norton showed a photo of Brooklyn posing for the camera in a Ralph Lauren jumper on an episode of The Graham Norton Show, before displaying David’s three-word comment: that’s my jumper.

David Beckham Strikes Again

David Beckham Strikes Again

The best part was that he wasn’t even telling the truth! Brooklyn had borrowed his jumper, which was in fact his. Most children believe their parents have poor fashion sense, but David appears to know what he’s doing. Brooklyn agrees wholeheartedly.

Putting Brooklyn In His Place

Brooklyn’s fame is kept at bay by a troll a day. Isn’t that what they say? David can’t seem to get enough of the jokes about Brooklyn. David chimed in to remind everyone that he had 52 million Instagram followers when his son was recording a video announcing that he had reached 1 million followers (million).

Putting Brooklyn In His Place

Putting Brooklyn In His Place

You can rest assured that this is one method of keeping your son humble! According to the expression on Brooklyn’s face, he may not have appreciated the joke quite as much as we did.

Judd Apatow… Again

Trolling becomes an addiction for some celeb parents once they get a taste of it. Judd Apatow shared a photo of his daughter wearing a hoodie and giving a hesitant thumbs-up while dressed to the nines in a suit.

Judd Apatow...Again

Judd Apatow…Again

He made a point of mentioning it in the caption, joking that his daughter wasn’t impressed with him looking like a “male model.” That’s one way of looking at it. Judd, you have good looks, and his daughter is a good sport!

Kelly Ripa’s Clapback

Kids, don’t mess with Mom. Kelly Ripa quickly responded to her daughter’s joke that she was tired of seeing ComicCon content under her mother’s Instagram post, telling her to clean her room instead of spending time on her phone. We’ve all heard that one before, but perhaps not in front of so many people on social media!

Kelly Ripa's Clapback

Kelly Ripa’s Clapback

It appears that Kelly checked her daughter’s room again after a few days to make certain that she would not be embarrassed by her mother in front of her friends again.

This Darn Technology!


This Darn Technology

This Darn Technology

Momma Jonas, don’t worry. It gives us the same uneasy feeling. Cancel the face swap immediately! Isn’t their mother adorable? We’d love to see their other brother’s reaction to this as well!

It’s Victoria’s Turn Now

You’re wrong if you think David Beckham is the only parent who can roast their child. Victoria Beckham had some trolling to do of her own, and their eldest son Brooklyn was the target once again.

It's Victoria's Turn Now

It’s Victoria’s Turn Now

She joked about how much Brooklyn loves playing with ‘his’ new doll in this lighthearted Instagram post. To be fair, he doesn’t appear to be bothered. Perhaps he genuinely likes the new toy, despite the fact that it is most likely his sister’s.

You Should Smile More!

Our parents’ favorite photos of us are always the ones in which we’re smiling the widest. Barbara Streisand perfectly illustrated this by commenting on her son’s Instagram post and encouraging him to show off his teeth.

You Should Smile More!

You Should Smile More!

This is incredible. While you’re at it, show us your work as well! Regardless of whether or not Barbara Streisand was trolling me on the internet, I’d take her advice without hesitation.

The Other Way Around

I’m not sure if the parent is teasing the child or the child is teasing the parent. Cindy Crawford embodied boldness in this photo, and she didn’t give a damn what anyone (including her husband and kids!) thought about the good-looking male model in the shoot.

The Other Way Around

The Other Way Around

After her mother’s post, Kaia Gerber chimed in with something equally amusing, “MOM! Where’s Dad?” Even though you’re asking the right questions, Kaia, you’ve still been trolled to the extreme!

Kelly Ripa Left No Crumbs

Kelly Ripa’s daughter attempted to recover from the savage Instagram comment, but it did not go as planned. When her mom posted a Riverdale-related photo, she joked that it wouldn’t get as many likes as her prom photo, and Kelly had to ask her if she had cleaned her room yet again.

Kelly Ripa Left No Crumbs

Kelly Ripa Left No Crumbs

Have a social media meltdown with your daughter for the second day in a row? Check. The likelihood that Kelly’s daughter will return for thirds this time around is slim to none.

She’ll See This When She Grows Up

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s daughter was only a baby when he decided to share this hilarious video on Instagram, but I’m sure she won’t be spared any embarrassment when she grows up and sees it again.

She'll See This When She Grows Up

She’ll See This When She Grows Up

He jokingly asks his baby daughter for compliments in the video, proclaiming himself to be the “sexiest daddy in the world.” Few would argue with that, and he certainly appears to be a good father, with the baby laughing happily in his arms.

Mick Jagger’s Dad Joke

Anything Mick Jagger says, even this ultimate dad joke, is cool AF. Mick simply had to add his two cents when his son Lucas posted an innocent photo of himself at the beach, saying “Watch out for the water”…at the beach.

Mick Jagger's Dad Joke

Mick Jagger’s Dad Joke

If Dads are not the ones who can crack a good dad joke, then who will? Mick, don’t worry about anything. This time, we’re all willing to forgive you for this comment.

Not Again, Dad!

Even the simplest actions of parents can cause embarrassment in their children, such as posting a simple photo to Instagram or simply…existing? Johnny Lowe, Rob Lowe’s son, had to express his displeasure with his father for posting a shirtless photo on Instagram, claiming it was the worst thing that had ever happened on the platform!

Not Again, Dad!

Not Again, Dad!

You know, Johnny, it’s not that bad! Rob’s fans appeared to be more enthusiastic about the photo than his son. Given that it’s his son, it’s a natural reaction to have with someone you know!

Shared Anguish

What happens when the fathers of two famous daughters decide to humiliate them simultaneously? They rant on iMessage and share it on social media. In a hilarious Instagram conversation, Zoë Kravitz and Chelsea Tyler expressed their frustration with their fathers’ antics.

Shared Anguish

Shared Anguish

It’s difficult enough to have a father who embarrasses you in public… Consider the possibility of having one with millions of followers and a proclivity for sharing excessively on social media.

Teach Her About TikTok!

Keeping up with all the new apps that come out every day may become increasingly challenging for celebrity parents as they get older. As part of her “Adapt, Improvise, Overcome” energy, actress Reese Witherspoon recorded a video with her teenage son, asking him to explain the TikTok app to her and teach her how to use it.

Teach Her About Tiktok!

Teach Her About Tiktok!

While showing her own dance moves, she managed to persuade him to show a few of his. Her son, unsurprisingly, does not appear to be overjoyed, though he did eventually help her!

Zoë Kravitz Can’t Catch A Break

Lenny Kravitz is a crazy character, and Zo is having a hard time dealing with his antics. She posted this hilarious meme to Instagram, encapsulating her #painful experience with her father’s on-stage presence.

Zoë Kravitz Can't Catch A Break

Zoë Kravitz Can’t Catch A Break

I don’t think I can relate, but she gets a 10/10 for the meme. Lenny, just let the poor girl live! Or embarrass her even more so that we can make some A-level memes out of it.

Iris Fires Back

Judd Apatow isn’t the only one with a good sense of humor. Iris, his daughter, seems to take after him. His daughter responded with a sarcastic comment after he shared a photo of himself on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert with his shirt unbuttoned.

Iris Fires Back

Iris Fires Back

She joked that she was “concerned” about the creeps and advised him to stop posting such “suggestive” pictures. Judd, you now understand how I feel! That game can be played by two people, and Iris won this round with her amusing remark.

Reese’s TikTok Addiction Never Ends

If you introduce your parents to TikTok, they may become just as addicted as you are. Deacon Witherspoon, the son of Reese Witherspoon, discovered this the hard way when his mother suggested making a TikTok dance to his latest single.

Reese's Tiktok Addiction Never Ends

Reese’s Tiktok Addiction Never Ends

“Mom, no!” he exclaimed immediately. We can all relate to Deacon’s literal facepalm, even if she had good intentions. It’s all right, Reese. On TikTok, I’m sure you can find a million other ways to embarrass Deacon.

Mick’s Running Commentary

Mick Jagger, much to his son’s dismay, acts prehistorically on social media. He enjoys leaving comments on his son’s Instagram photos, for example. He simply commented “Cool pic” under a photo of his son gazing into the sunset, which is a step up from the dad joke. It’s sweet, but it reminds me of Facebook days.

Mick's Running Commentary

Mick’s Running Commentary

Allowing for the possibility that Mick’s son’s back was sufficiently turned away that he was not able to see or hear the comment. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

It Doesn’t Stop There

If Mick Jagger’s comments weren’t enough, you’ll be relieved to learn that the dorky dad comments are a regular occurrence. Mick enthusiastically commented “Looks like fun!” with some tree emojis on this photo of his son out with a group of friends.

It Doesn't Stop There

It Doesn’t Stop There

I’m not sure what the emojis mean, but it’s clear that Jagger’s son wasn’t in a rush to figure it out. I must say, the enthusiasm is contagious. Dads, especially when it comes to social media, can be so pure at times.

Not Again, David Beckham!

David Beckham’s content makes up half of these posts, and with good reason. The cherry on top is this hilarious Instagram post from Beckham, in which he’s dressed up as… I’m not sure what it is, and his son doesn’t seem pleased. He apologized to Brooklyn in advance for the post, and I’m sure he got an earful that night.

Not Again, David Beckham!

Not Again, David Beckham!

At the very least, Brooklyn didn’t force him to delete it, did she? Who knows, maybe he tried. I’ve recently discovered that Brooklyn has been a true trooper throughout this ordeal.