Marfan Syndrome
This inherited syndrome is a disorder that affects the body’s connective tissues, which are the tissues that keep the body’s structure and support internal organs in place. The skeleton, eyes, and heart are usually affected.

Marfan Syndrome
This disorder is associated with tall and thin body frames, as well as long limbs and fingers. Javier Botet, a Spanish actor, was diagnosed with the disorder when he was a child. Due to his distinct appearance, the actor has landed leading roles in horror films such as Slender Man and others.
Webbed Toes
We usually associate webbed feet with aquatic animals such as frogs or ducks. Human appendages, particularly toes, have been discovered to be webbed. Webbed toes are a rare occurrence, and the cause of the condition is unknown.

Webbed Toes
A layer of skin connects the second and third toes in the majority of cases. Today, surgeries are available to correct and separate the webbing, but many people prefer to accept their uniqueness.