Amazing Body Features That We Might Only See Once in Our Lives

Published on 11/15/2021

Hyperpigmentation or Melasma

For any parent, having a child is an incredible experience. Unfortunately, pregnancy can cause hormonal changes that can have a variety of effects on the body.

Hyperpigmentation Or Melasma

Hyperpigmentation Or Melasma

The overproduction of pigment cells in our skin can be caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy. Melasma, or dark brown or grey patches on the skin, can result as a result of this. Small freckles or large patches can appear on the face. The “mask of pregnancy” is a common nickname for this condition.



Ichthyosis is a skin disorder caused by a genetic mutation that causes thick, dry, and scaly skin. Ichthyosis is derived from the Greek word for fish, which is appropriate given that the disorder causes the skin to become extremely scaly.



There are over 20 different types of Ichthyosis, each with its own appearance and causes. Jeyza Gary, a model, hasn’t let her skin condition stop her from pursuing her dreams. Gary has appeared in a number of fashion magazines as well as commercials for huge companies such as Target.