Preventing Wasp Nests
Do you have a fear of bees? What about gigantic wasps? If you get too close to a wasp nest, you’ll almost certainly get a heart attack. Don’t worry, though! With WD-40, you’re safe. They can also help with wasps and other insects that fly into your vehicle.

Preventing Wasp Nests
As if WD-40 already had insufficient uses, it can be used to prevent wasps from building nests. As we mentioned earlier, the odor of insects, including wasps, is like kryptonite. After spraying, WD is also waterproof and long shelf life. So you’ll have a foolproof way to keep wasps out of the cracks and crevices in your roof.
Waterproofing Chalk Masterpieces
It’s improbable that you’re a chalk artist. Even if your best chalk drawing has never won a talent contest, it’s safe to say you’re disappointed when you go out and discover the previous night’s rain has washed away your painstakingly drawn chalk masterpiece.

Waterproofing Chalk Masterpieces
If you want to keep your chalk drawing more than a night, invest in a bottle of the favorite multi-purpose product, WD-40. A layer applied over your completed chalk drawing waterproof effectively. Isn’t that an ingenious ruse? You can teach your friends, who enjoy chalk art, this neat little hack.