Cleaning Glue and Wax Off of Carpets
Have you ever accidentally spilled glue or wax on your carpet and cleaned it? If so, you probably know how difficult it can be to remove it without causing damage to your carpet or causing rug burn from kneeling on the ground. You’ve probably tried a variety of different removal methods over the years, all of which sounded good in theory but were a complete failure in practice.

Cleaning Glue And Wax Off Of Carpets
Although these annoying buggers can stay on your carpet for weeks at a time and are hard to remove, don’t be alarmed! The next time you run into this problem, WD-40 will work wonders, as it won’t damage your carpet while dissolving glue-like butter.
Dust Removal
In the summer, air conditioners are a blessing. They keep the house cool and the air clean, but they stop working when they become clogged with dust. These dust particles are inconvenient because they can clog up your home appliances, such as your air conditioner or vacuum cleaner.

Dust Removal
To begin cooling your home, you must first ensure that the filter is clean and dust-free. While you could manually clean the filter from time to time, you could simply apply a layer of WD-40 to it and let the greasy liquid prevent dust from sticking to it.