30+ Pictures That Show The United Arab Emirates’ Unexpected Side

Published on 10/11/2021

Walk With Camera

Taking a walk is one of the most mundane yet exciting activities available in the Emirates. Taking a walk with no specific destination in mind can be quite enjoyable. However, it is critical to use a camera or, at the very least, a mobile device that can capture images in high definition.

Walk With Camera

Walk With Camera

There would undoubtedly be something worthy of taking photos. From amusing exotic structures to exotic cars and tall buildings, there’s something for everyone. In the Emirates, there are many hidden gems with a plethora of film-worthy structures.


Bad at Parking

Cars are frequently parked at the risk of their owners. It’s impossible to know how good the other drivers are. When mistakes and accidents occur, however, a simple apology may be sufficient.

Bad At Parking

Bad At Parking

The people of this city are friendly and humble, to say the least. They understand how to solve problems. This driver posts a sign that reads, “I’m so sorry, I’m terrible at parking.” Problems are solved in a flash.