30+ Pictures That Show The United Arab Emirates’ Unexpected Side

Published on 10/11/2021

Starbucks With No Stars

A burned-out structure with a ripped roof isn’t exactly where one would expect to find the popular Starbucks. However, if one walks through downtown Dubai and into the less exotic areas, one may be surprised.

Starbucks With No Stars

Starbucks With No Stars

It’s unclear what led to this, but there’s a Starbucks logo in an unexpected location in the city. According to a tourist, this is not an uncommon occurrence. Another part of the city that is only visible to those who live in the city’s core.


Hen in the Streets

From the outside, everything in this city may appear to be perfect. It is important to note, however, that there are many things in Dubai that are hidden from the world’s eyes. To see them firsthand, one must travel to the place.

Hen In The Streets

Hen In The Streets

Some discoveries are thrilling and exciting, while others are not. On the streets of Dubai, one can find a wide variety of items. Hens appear to be regular pedestrians here for some reason.