30+ Pictures That Show The United Arab Emirates’ Unexpected Side

Published on 10/11/2021

Sights From the Sea

Many aspects of the Emirates are deserving of attention and praise. Tall buildings and massive structures make up the majority of these areas. The best part is that great scenery can be enjoyed right from sea level.

Sights From The Sea

Sights From The Sea

This person decided to take a picture of the city from a distance while on one of the local waters on the outskirts of the city. It catches the tall buildings in action, demonstrating how they compete with one another. It depicts a straightforward view of the city. One person says it’s the best photograph of Dubai they’ve ever seen.


Sunscreen Dispenser

Beaches, on the other hand, appear to be inviting the majority of the time. As a result, any tourist must pay a visit to the beach. The hot sun, on the other hand, makes things a little more difficult.

Sunscreen Dispenser

Sunscreen Dispenser

The importance of sunscreen can be explained in a simple way. The event planners and coordinators at the beach are well aware of this fact. Even if the tourist forgets to bring sunscreen, there is always a backup plan. Sunscreen dispensers can be found on Dubai beaches.