According To Nostradamus, The Future Is Not Looking Too Hot This 2021…

Published on 03/22/2021

Why He Relied On Poetry

There are theories why he decided to use poetry to hide the prophecies. It is said that he was afraid that the religious authorities would not approve of it. This might be why he used a mix of various languages as well. However, the Church apparently liked him! It has more to do with his celebrity status back then.

Why He Relied On Poetry

Why He Relied On Poetry


How He Saw The Visions

However, how exactly did he come up with all those prophecies in the first place? As we said, he would drink herb infusions that put him in a trance. Aside from this, he said he used astrological calculations to come up with his predictions. The forecasted position of planets and stars helped him look into the future. It is clear that his work alludes to various works by chroniclers and historians. There are people who think that he just recast ancient predictions with the help of stellar calculations! His fellow “professional” astrologers believed that Nostradamus was nothing more than a fraudster in those days.

How He Saw The Visions

How He Saw The Visions