International Postal Service
When parents aren’t computer literate, it can be either endearing or aggravating. Sometimes it can be irritating when you’re trying to teach them something and they simply don’t understand what you’re telling them. But this is not the case with the mother of Twitter user @christell20001’s daughter.

International Postal Service
Fair enough, this woman is 85 years old, so we’ll forgive her for her misinterpretation. It’s amusing that she was under the impression that emails worked the same way as international calls. Just wait until she learns about FaceTime! She was on the verge of going insane. What about the dating app Tinder?
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Family reunions can be a miserable event for everyone involved. Everyone tries to catch up on one another’s lives after not seeing each other for a lengthy period of time at this time. These get-togethers are riddled with inquisitive family members on the lookout for the latest tea blend.

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By presenting her children in this manner, Twitter user @revarice’s mother protected everyone from being snooped on by her children. Our mother is more than happy to do this rather than have relatives contact us and seek to extract information about our love lives.