These Tweets From All The Moms On The Internet Will Certainly Lighten Up Anyone’s Day

Published on 11/22/2021

Moms And Math

However, just because mothers are virtually unstoppable doesn’t imply they’re devoid of shortcomings. They, like any other normal person, have to cope with a wide range of challenges in their lives. The mother of Twitter user @SMKlahr has difficulty with basic arithmetic skills. The following reasoning serves as evidence of this claim.

Moms And Math

Moms And Math

Yes, 40 multiplied by 2 equals 70, which is correct. Or, at the very least, it is what this mother believes will happen! According to the “mom is always right” rule, however, this family will hear this statement, shrug it off, and get on with their lives. Nope! This was not going to work this time.


Piddle Diddle

The words and phrases you hear as a child stick with you throughout your life. Either that or your mother is completely unaware of the fact that all of her children have reached adulthood. In this family, the act of urinating is referred to as a “piddle diddle.” Isn’t she just the cutest thing ever? If you’re under the age of six, the answer is “yes.”

Piddle Diddle

Piddle Diddle

Think about an older woman asking a bunch of forty-somethings whether they need to “piddle diddle” before they leave their house. It’s probable that it’s a little embarrassing for you. However, when seen from the perspective of a mother and her adult children, it’s actually rather nice.