Signing Off
When it comes to Baby Boomers and the generation that followed them, text messages are handled as if they were letters. To begin, you must extend a courteous greeting, and to conclude, you must sign out with professionalism. It gives the impression that you are emailing your boss or a professor at university when you are messaging your parents.

Signing Off
If this SMS message had been sent as an email, it would have looked very similar. Linda, would you please contact me as soon as you have the opportunity? Mom, you have my heartfelt affection. We can’t help but smile when we see such endearing behavior. Mothers everywhere must be safeguarded against harm. Everyone, step up to the plate!
Unspoiled Dressing
We’d like to express our polite disagreement with @alyssalimp’s mum. Certainly, we understand if her decision to save the salad dressing from five years ago was prompted by a desire to save money on food. Saving a little money at the expense of the family’s health, on the other hand, is not the best course of action for everyone.

Unspoiled Dressing
Even though this parent may assume that salad dressing never expires, we ran some fact-checking to determine whether or not she was correct. According to the first Google search, salad dressing can be used for up to 4 months after the expiration date has passed. Overall, it’s preferable to get rid of something after five years!