45+ Pictures That Prove Australia Is Truly A One-Of-A-Kind Country

Published on 06/24/2021

Magpie Breeding Season

We’ll move on to a peculiar feature of Australia’s native pigeon, the magpie, from natural landmarks. When these birds turn vicious during the breeding season, the locals call it “swooping season.” So if you’re outside, there’s a good chance a magpie attack you.

Magpie Breeding Season

Magpie Breeding Season

As a result, cyclists have come up with some ingenious counter-measures, such as attaching deterring spikes to their bike helmets, as shown here. However, because they are only cable ties, they will not cause any harm to the birds.


World Cockroach Racing Championship

Each country is known for a variety of strange events and championships, including Australia. For example, in Brisbane, Australia, the annual World Cockroach Racing Championships are held. There doesn’t seem to be many rhymes or reasons in this picture, only a swarm of cockroaches running around.

World Cockroach Racing Championship

World Cockroach Racing Championship

Initially, it was held as a gambling event at a casino in Brisbane, Australia’s capital. Cockroaches are extremely fast; their rate of speed to their body length is the equivalent of a human running at 200 mph for a short distance.