The Original Fight Club
Even if you’ve never watched the film Fight Club, the title should enough. Guys get together and take out their frustrations on one another, forming a bond. The kangaroos in Australia could be said to have inspired them.
When you look up “kangaroo” in an encyclopedia, you’ll discover that the word actually means “large foot.” This supports the theory that they are natural-born fighters who will kick to ensure their own survival.
Spider Frost
“Huh, that frost over the park looks kind of weird,” someone must have thought. Of course, this is because it is not technically frost. But, according to reports, individuals should bring a lighter and hairspray with them when venturing out during Australia’s rainy
This is done to ensure that you do not become entangled in any of the crazily entangled web fields. Spiders will construct these incredible clusters to gain elevation and avoid drowning in puddles. Don’t be concerned; they’re just trying to make it through!