45+ Pictures That Prove Australia Is Truly A One-Of-A-Kind Country

Published on 06/24/2021

People Shop Barefoot

You might be surprised to see people out shopping without shoes the first time you go grocery shopping in Australia. Australians, it appears, have a different perspective on wearing shoes, and they will frequently enter places barefoot that is not permitted in other parts of the world.

People Shop Barefoot

People Shop Barefoot

Australians are perceived as relaxed, fun-loving individuals who are not tense compared to the rest of the world due to all of these factors coming together.


Giant Flying Bats

Imagine looking out your bedroom window and seeing this massive bat staring at you. One of four megabats native to Australia, this flying fox, or megabat, can grow to be the size of a small child. Thankfully, these enormous bats eat fruit, nectar, and pollen; otherwise, we can’t imagine why anyone would want to live there.

Giant Flying Bats

Giant Flying Bats

Megabats are threatened by extinction in Australia, where several species have become extinct due to various factors, including habitat loss and illegal hunting.