You Probably Had No Idea That These Animal Hybrids Even Existed

Published on 03/25/2021


The Dzo is a crossing between a cow and a wild yalk. The males are called Dzo and are sterile, while the female are called Dzomo and are fertile. They are only found in Mongolia and Tibet and are known to be better in milk production as well as in meat production compared to a normal cow. Other than many other hybrids, Dzo have the ability to back cross.




Two Headed Cow

Another very interesting animal mutation case is Anabel. Anabel is a calf from Florida, which was born in 2015. The unique thing about her? She had two heads. This means she has two mouths, two noses and four eyes. The owners of her mom tried to help her and fed her every day and took care of her. Unfortunately also the veterinarians couldn’t help her in any way. After just 30 days, Anabelle died.


Two Headed Cow