Check Out These 25 Funniest Sports Moments Ever Captured On Camera

Published on 01/07/2022

So Close!

Even the best athletes, despite their excellent hand-eye coordination, can drop the ball from time to time. And when that occurs, the ball has a good chance of hitting you in the face. And if that occurs, the athlete is likely to make a very amusing expression.

So Close!

So Close!


No one wants to laugh at someone who has been hit in the face by a volleyball, but keep in mind that pain is always amusing as long as it doesn’t happen to you or your friends.

Dunk That Ball

Basketball involves a great deal of dunking, though the majority of it is physical in nature. Despite this, much of it can be interpreted as metaphorical. Things like this are of the metaphorical variety, and we don’t think we need to go into too much detail to explain what we mean by that.

Dunk That Ball

Dunk That Ball

We believe that basketball is the sport with the greatest risk of this type of incident occurring because of the amount of jumping that occurs during the game. A very unfortunate hazard that comes along with the territory, to put it bluntly.