Check Out These 25 Funniest Sports Moments Ever Captured On Camera

Published on 01/07/2022

Where’d The Wheels Go?

The humor in this situation is actually more terrifying than humorous, but if you don’t mind a bit of dark humor at the expense of another person’s pants, you’ll find it amusing.

Where'd The Wheels Go?

Where’d The Wheels Go?


He will undoubtedly survive this ordeal, but, strangely enough, this type of incident occurs far more frequently than you might expect. That thought only serves to make motocross appear even more terrifying, but we understand that some people are simply thrill-seekers.

Moments Before Everything Went Wrong

This type of photo is prevalent in a large number of amusing photographs. Things are going quite well, and a photograph is taken just as they are about to go horribly wrong. And, before anyone asks, yes, this is a legitimate sporting endeavor involving dogs.

Moments Before Everything Went Wrong

Moments Before Everything Went Wrong

What’s more, we can all relate to the dichotomy that exists between everything going well and impending doom, which makes this photo particularly amusing. We have to wonder, though, what exactly she asked that dog to do in order for it to react in this manner. Or does it simply have a poor sense of direction?