Melania Trump
Melania Trump is Donald Trump’s wife and the former First Lady. Before she met her husband, Melania worked as a model. Melania, as a former model, clearly appreciates fashion and is well-versed in style. Her inauguration gown, on the other hand, was lovely yet understated. In late 2017, the First Lady donated her inaugural ball gown to the Smithsonian Institute, where it will be on permanent display.

Melania Trump
Frances Folsom Cleveland Preston
Folsom, Frances Cleveland Preston was regarded as a leader in her day. She had appeared on the covers of Leslie’s and Harper’s, two significant magazines at the time, catapulting her into the trendsetting conversation. The Washington Post praised her even at her wedding. “the bride wore a beautiful white gown of ivory satin, tastefully adorned on the high corsage with India muslin crossed in Grecian folds and draped in gorgeous falls of simplicity over the petticoat.” according to the Washington Post.

Frances Folsom Cleveland Preston