Here Are Some Food Hacks That Everyone Should Try Immediately

Published on 07/14/2021

This Jar Secret!

What about the food hacks that include a hidden plastic spoon for scooping Nutella out of a jar hidden beneath the lid? However, I’m not sure if it’s true or not. I haven’t had Nutella in a long time.

This Jar Secret!

This Jar Secret!

However, underneath the sticker on this Aldina pasta jar are measurements! Just look at it. It’s ridiculously cool. You can use the jar for a variety of purposes in the future. Excellent packaging concept!


The Correct Way to Press Your Ravioli Dough!

I’m well aware that jars and empty glass bottles make excellent DIY materials. But we’re willing to bet you didn’t know about this trick! Unlimited uncrustables, as well as an excellent reason to buy a large bottle of wine

The Correct Way To Press Your Ravioli Dough!

The Correct Way To Press Your Ravioli Dough!

According to one of our contributors, ravioli dough can be formed into shapes using the bottom of a J. Lohr wine bottle! When you’re finished, you can stuff your ravioli with whatever you want! What a fun and simple hack!