Here Are Some Food Hacks That Everyone Should Try Immediately

Published on 07/14/2021

Spice Chart

Spices are one of our favorite flavors, and any meal or cuisine that contains the perfect blend of just the right amount of spices is delectable. However, it can be difficult to remember which spices you should use in which dishes.

Spice Chart

Spice Chart

We’ve created a spice chart to assist you. The next time you’re making pumpkin pie and aren’t sure what spices to use, consult this handy spice chart. Even better, hang it up in your kitchen!


Shelf-Life Knowledge

It’s always beneficial to have a little shelf-life knowledge on hand! And if you were under the impression that you could store and use your spices indefinitely, you were dead wrong!

Shelf Life Knowledge

Shelf Life Knowledge

Do you have any idea how long some of your kitchen items/foods will last? We’ve got you covered, so don’t worry. After some food products have been opened, this image depicts their shelf life. So say goodbye to the years-old leftover pasta sauce in your fridge!