Here Are Some Food Hacks That Everyone Should Try Immediately

Published on 07/14/2021

The Correct Way to Make Caramelized French Toast

The French toast that we all enjoy is so delicious that some people even eat it for dinner. And when we say “some people,” we are referring to…us.

The Correct Way To Make Caramelized French Toast

The Correct Way To Make Caramelized French Toast

This hack, on the other hand, takes French toast to a whole new level. So, the next time you make French Toast, sprinkle some BROWN SUGAR on top for a caramelized flavor and aroma. It will also taste 100 times better than regular French Toast.


Lemon Time!

Aside from salt, lemon is perhaps the only ingredient that complements almost any dish. But what if we told you that it has a variety of other applications as well?

Lemon Time!

Lemon Time!

If you are grilling your fish or chicken, place some lemon slices underneath it to prevent it from burning. It will also have a fresh lemony flavor as a result of this.