The Unexpected Uses Of Everyday Items

Published on 07/29/2021

Dip In Wine Bottle

You’ve probably noticed that wine bottles have a dip in the bottom. Have you ever considered why this is the case? To begin with, the dip, also known as a punt or a kick-up, prevents the bottle from tipping over. When you have a picnic at the beach or in the park, the plates of food frequently fly over and a storm of napkins erupts in the air? Then there’s the wind, which is trying to knock your bottle over.

Dip In Wine Bottle

Dip In Wine Bottle

“I don’t think so, mister,” says the punt. If there is champagne or sparkling wine within, the punt is also used to strengthen the bottle so it can withstand increased pressure. Finally, the punt facilitates the distribution of steam during the cleaning process prior to the pouring of the wine. As a result, you may relax knowing that the wine you’ll receive is crystal clear. Despite the fact that wine bottles are now stronger, they are nevertheless made with this indentation at the bottom to stick with tradition.


Holes In Airplane Windows

Raise your hand if it’s the first time you sat in a window seat on a plane and spotted a tiny hole in the window that made you panic a little. We say this to expose the purpose of that hole, not to expose you. When you’re so high in the air, seeing a little hold in the windshield of an airplane can be terrifying. If you are a frequent traveler, you can relax. This hole makes no mention of the fact that your seat’s window is about to blow out in the middle of the trip. First and foremost, the hole is known as the breather hole.

Holes In Airplane Windows

Holes In Airplane Windows

The breather hole is responsible for how you can breathe in an airplane when it’s flying so high in the sky. As an airplane climbs, the outside air pressure reduces. Thanks to plane manufacturers, the cabin stays safe and comfortable. If it didn’t, we wouldn’t be able to fly. The breather compensates for the pressure difference between the aircraft’s two outer panels.