Pictures With Intriguing Contrasts That Will Change Your Perceptions

Published on 06/14/2021

Nature, untouched

Being in touch with nature is highly recommended if you have the opportunity to travel. Although we humans have a strong desire to leave our mark wherever we go, this is not always in the best interests of the local fauna and flora.

Nature, Untouched

Nature, Untouched

For example, consider the following picture, which clearly shows the difference between a patch of bamboo touched and manipulated by thousands of people and a patch of bamboo that grew without being affected by tourists during 2020.


Like mother, like daughter

Normally, the entire family is excited about the most prominent features of a new baby, the mother or the dad. Sometimes, however, it is both, and the baby has the eyes and lips of the father and the nose and ears of the mother.

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Like Mother, Like Daughter

As in this case, the baby appears to be a miniature version of one of the parents in some instances. When this mother put together a collage of herself and her daughter, it was uncanny how much they looked alike.