Staring off into the fog
The weather can change depending on where you are on the globe. Mountain residents are accustomed to snow, especially when it is piled on top of one another. If you live in Florida, you’re probably used to dealing with extreme weather, such as hurricanes. Fog isn’t a big deal for people who live near lakes because they see it all the time.

Staring Off Into The Fog
Visibility improves with fog, but it can drop from perfect to a few feet in a matter of seconds. Due to the relatively short time frame in which fog can influence the climate, this picture displays the critical role fog plays in an area.
Two days later….
Winter can be an odd month, depending on where you live. For some, business as usual continues. If you live in a hot climate with little snow, you’re likely to appreciate the cooler weather. In the winter, you only need an additional layer if you live in a perpetually cold area.

Two Days Later….
On the other hand, winter storms can dump feet of snow in some areas, which is only melted a few days later when the sun shines again. That is correct. Thus, these photos are taken two days apart! Isn’t that outrageous?