The ice is melting
Do not look any further if you’ve ever wanted to see a picture that hurts your stomach with fear of a global existential crisis. See the picture below if you’re looking for something a bit lighter. We look at two photos taken in the same spot only a few decades apart.

The Ice Is Melting
In response to climate change, the ice cap is melting, revealing the mountains behind it. Natural warming would impart a poetic beauty to the scene, but global warming is not aesthetically pleasing in any way.
Showing off his horns
Have you ever seen a cow with such horns? We all know that if we saw this guy staring us down, we’d flee rather than take a picture. However, we admire the artist twice; a couple of years between every shot, this photographer chose to photograph the same cow.

Showing Off His Horns
As you can see, his pattern has remained consistent, but he has changed in subtle ways over time. Oh, and his horns have grown to enormous proportions over the course of his lifetime. That’s all there is to it.