How time flies
If you blink, you might miss something important that has happened in your life. The one day when you’re cradling your little cousin on your shoulders like it’s nothing, you can’t help but make a face that screams, “OMG HURRY UP!” when you try to recreate that photo 15 years later.

How Time Flies
Although the little cousin is no longer regarded as “little,” we like to see how close these two have stayed over the years. The third iteration of this hilarious shot may be released in 2035.
Before and after adoption
According to the woman who uploaded the “before and after” photos, the first was taken the day after he had been adopted, and the second was taken recently to show how he now looks.

Before And After Adoption
This is how an animal responds to the presence of a caring family. These photographs were taken seven years apart, but the dog in the second one appears to be much happier and healthier than he was previously.